12 Teams in 2008

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Joined: 03 Nov 2005, 05:17
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It's nice to see twelve teams back on the grid. The only thing I'm weary about is that both Honda and Red Bull will be backing two teams each. But if its all really only about money... ahmm... I guess it is all about money, nevermind.

Aside from the fact that Stoddy would have to reassemble the proper infrastructure I'm sure if he weren't such a s**t disturber he'd get a slot. I really would like to see Stoddy back. He's a right, straight bloke in my books.

Joined: 03 Jun 2005, 10:54


jaslfc wrote:Sorry if i have offended you but u have to agree that whenever it has to do with mosley and bernie you have so much hatred for them and your comments are not rational and you find any way to disagree with their comments. i feel that even thought we all would like to see stoddy back but with prodrive there is more chance of us seeing a competitive team than stodart. anyway .. thats my opinion
No problem, no need to apologize.

What I'm saying about Mosley is based on his constant cock-ups that repeat year after year, completely opposite to what he said his changes will bring so I consider him as worst amateur than any of us. He is just strong holder who made his own little kingdom out of FIA. No one doing any job would keep it after so many cock-ups. Mosley is just FIA employee - not businessman like Bernie who has the right to do whatever he likes with his business. Unfortunately, Mosley acts as he own FIA while in fact he is just an employee. That is so typical for any dictator - instead of understanding his job as service to people he represents, guys like him turn it into domination over those people.

Just take a look at last 3 tears. In 2004 he changes tyre regs to improve safety and to cut costs for 2005 and in 2005 safety is decreased and 3 small teams forced to exit F1 (Jordan, BAR, Minardi). Than for 2006 he denies all he has said and done with regs for 2005 and changes them back to 2004 tyre regs and introduces V8 to reduce costs and slow down cars. What happens in 2006? Cars are faster than in 2005 and safety is decreased.

So, what has he achieved? Has he done his job right? Does he deserve to stay one minute longer at his position? Would any company owner keep such employee?
Last edited by manchild on 29 Apr 2006, 11:19, edited 1 time in total.

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Joined: 28 Jan 2005, 15:33
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Max Mosley ..... Your Fired!!!

thanks manchild
Last edited by Sawtooth-spike on 29 Apr 2006, 11:32, edited 1 time in total.
I believe in the chain of command, Its the chain I use to beat you till you do what i want!!!

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Sawtooth-spike wrote:Max Mosley ..... Your Fired!!!
+ Bernie............your fired!!!!!
Never regret what you do, but only regret what you don't do. - Jenson Button

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Donald Trump's hair really is an enigma!

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Besides Prodrive and Jordan, plus the publicly admitted entries from Japanese group Direxiv, Paul Stoddart's Minardi, Trevor Carlin's AMT Promotions and Alfonso de Orleans' BCN Competicion, the five other outfits were Baram F1 (headed by ex-BAR boss Craig Pollock), ALK Group, North Western, Filmty Interactive and Luxrace Tech.
Simon: Nils? You can close in now. Nils?
John McClane: [on the guard's phone] Attention! Attention! Nils is dead! I repeat, Nils is dead, ----head. So's his pal, and those four guys from the East German All-Stars, your boys at the bank? They're gonna be a little late.
Simon: [on the phone] John... in the back of the truck you're driving, there's $13 billon dollars worth in gold bullion. I wonder would a deal be out of the question?
John McClane: [on the phone] Yeah, I got a deal for you. Come out from that rock you're hiding under, and I'll drive this truck up your ass.

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Alfonso de orleans outfit is Racing Engeneering :)