Agree with this.Raptor22 wrote:you will also likely know how good your base design for the W0 was in relation to other cars without an EBD.
Lastsyears concept fits closer to 2012 rules as someone mentioned.
I don't see a disadvantage to testing W02 at the first test. the engine is the same as last year. the gearbox may be new butit will have been run on thebench for a while by now so its not an unknown entity.
So by Thursday Merc should knowif they were really 1sec off the pace if they were actually closer if measured against noon EBD cars
But the ebd was something Mercedes didn't see coming(in RB guise at least).
They seemed intent on design a slippery car with high top speeds. This was in direct contrast to the RB philosophy of high downforce.
I see Newey reckons the clocks have been set back to 2009. No DDD and no EBD.
And Mercedes experience in have the fastest non ebd car(along with Renault) will stand them in good stead.
The gap between merc and the front shrunk by all accounts, due to the ebd ban.