Since you all liked them (thanks

) here a few more.
At the track I was convinced that Button was using a normal rear wing but looking at pics I found that it was different from the usual one, it has the same flap as the wing on Davidson car, difference is that the main element is straight or almost straight and it has the connections between main element and flap :
[IMG:152:130] ...[/img]
According to an Italian magazine Red Bull was going to test with an heavily modified car result of Newey treatment, but honestly watching at pics I didn’t find visual differences (besides a low df wing obviously) on the two cars present compared with the one used in races so far :
DC was apparently pushing hard yesterday morning, a few times missed the braking point or locked tyres at first chicane. He was also attacking kerbs, at both chicanes, with decision. Don’t know if he was fast but certainly was entertaining.
[IMG:152:130] ...[/img]
Notice the mics on the background.
One for Villeneuve fans
[IMG:152:130] ...[/img]
I already mentioned that I hate BMW TC ? Well, I’ll say it again, after a few laps you feel the desire to go in BMW pits and kick a few asses... it was this way with the V10 and didn’t change with the V8.
The “funny” thing is that it doesn’t even look particularly effective, more than once at the exit of first chicane the rear end was sliding considerably.
Apart of that JV had a couple of “moments” at Roggia because he was a bit too aggressive on the second kerb, after a little trip with the two left wheels on the gravel trap he became lot more cautious. Nick was clean as usual, I always liked the way he drives.
Toyota didn’t make many laps yesterday morning. When I arrived at the track, at 9.30am Trulli had a problem that kept him in the pits almost whole morning so only Ralf was on the track, but not very often.
It’s sort of tradition, every year one of the first pictures I take at tests is a Toyota getting back to pits on a truck...
24-08-2005 9.08 am :
[IMG:152:130] ...[/img]
14-06-2006 9.32 am :
[IMG:152:130] ...[/img]
Trulli got back on the track past noon so could do just few laps (morning sessions ends at 12.30)
Yesterday was also the first time I heard V8s, actually, I already heard the Toyota V8 last year in September but it was still a non definitive version and revving quite low. Didn’t find many differences in sound with the V10, obviously there are differences and you would very likely distinguish the V8 from the V10 easily if both were contemporarily on the track, but there are differences also between the various V10 and the various V8 anyway so...
At the end another remark without pictures (I’ve actually one but it’s blurred so it’s pointless...), Toro Rosso tested briefly also with a bodywork modified on the sidepods, no chimneys and several gills instead.
That’s it. Unfortunately I didn’t have the chance to go at variante Ascari (actually I choose not to because in the morning the sun is right in front of grandstand, it’s annoying and not good for pictures) so the comments are limited to the two chicanes, hope you found them interesting anyway.