machin wrote:Scania; that's half my problem with the car; they've allowed it to run at half weight; essentially that's going to allow it to overcome the disadvantages of the Delta layout.... I think it'll be relatively quick INSPITE of the Delta layout -not BECAUSE of it.
Giblet: I too would like to try it in RFactor: to verify my own simulations and back-up the last 100 years of "natural selection"!!!
for the special advance
-it can be very late brake as its friction distribution close to nature stable
-it can hard brake & turn but the front wheel won't lock up since it brake by rear, so it can transfer more load to front wheel to help turn near to the limited of tyre
-it can accelerate very early, stable & fast since a look like Drag car layout
-We can see the real car that no problem on long curve
-event u cut the curb(by rear wheel). the front wheel still on track & better handling, and there are lots of cars you can't see the front wheel locating acturally but drivers still get the racing line fine
and when we compare it to 口 car
-you can't really lighter then Deltawing when there's are no rule & you 2 using same material & strengh are then same too, because DW a really losing a big part on front of the car. if there should be a rule on it, we can see WTCC, the base limite weight of RWD car should be heavier then FWD car, because RWD is heavier naturally , also, DW is lighter naturally.
-when you make a rFactor sim car, you can make a 口 car have same drag & same down force & you feel that it is close to DW, it is impossible to make it in real world. the frontel area & Dart style shape of DW make its drag is lower, & 口 car get more upper side area, it generate more lift force, it also making drag & neutralize some down force, that means you will need extrat down force & gain more drag.