SeijaKessen wrote:Well, I think aero has made overtaking way more difficult than it was 30+ years ago.
More difficult? Yes.
Way more dificult? I don't think so.
Unless I read it wrong, part of that article's assertion is that the
perceived decrease in overtaking likely has a lot to do with the decrease in romanticized stories being written about F1. Live TV has replaced the written word as the medium through which most experience F1, and it doesn't have the benefit of being edited for better consumption.
Think about it. If the minds behind NFL Films did 5-10 minute F1 race recaps in their usual
style*, especially with
that music, most who saw them would swear up and down that every race was "epic" and that every battle was "a titanic struggle."
It's all in the delivery.
SeijaKessen wrote:Is it really a coincidence that the tightening up of the field comes in this particular year when the IPO is pending?

Gotta make those ugly cars look good somehow. Again, it's all in the delivery.
* That guy's NFL Films imitation is eerily spot-on.