marcush. wrote:I still fail to understand why none of the teams really intergrate the aero sensors into their car design from the outset..but prefer to sort of hang on the items routing cables ,mounts ,covers and the sensors itself right across aero critical surfaces -modifying the measured data in the process.
You don´t have to look too far these days with OEMs actually designing the measurement equipment into the available CAD files from the´s one aspect of the car as interior or wiring -just never reaching the endcustomer of course...but still an integral part of the product development process...
If teams were to build in the sensor array and wiring they'd have to take a massive penatly on car performance. The cars ate packed as tightly as possible as it is to increase aero performance. That's why the data loggers for these tests are taped to the side of RWEPs and the like. If that box was built in to the RWEP for example, you'd be carrying around unnecessary weight and would most likely have illegal parts due to the size.
It makes no sense to build the sensors into the car, or even leave space for them internally. Only small areas need to be tested at one time to check correlation. The boxes and wiring looms are placed in areas that won't affect results. We are talking about some of the top engineers in the world here, not keyboard worriors.
Oh, and Mercedes use a 50% model. Not 60% as someone was questioning.
- PP