Nando wrote:
Who said anything about a similarity?
I just find it funny when people criticize Singapore then bring out the most boring layout you could ever design.
The issue at hand has nothing to do with how the track looks on paper, it is the races it produces.
Montreal may "look" boring, but it consistently produces spectacular races year after year. Singapore, aside from reliability and race incidents, does not.
I do appreciate the inclusion of street circuits in racing, however I really feel that modern day F1 cars are simply not suited for them. These cars are A) too fragile and B) too aero dependent to really bring out the best of what street track racing has to offer. See GT racing in ALMS around the street circuits or the V8 Supercars around Surfers Paradise for examples of what I mean.
A modern day F1 race around a street circuit is boring as a spectacle, and this coming from someone who absolutely loves Monaco. When you can stay out 5, 10, 15+ more laps on tyres which are 3-4 seconds a lap slower wihtout having to worry about being overtaken, there is an issue.