Scuderia Ferrari - Disgracing Tifosi Worldwide

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Scuderia Ferrari - Disgracing Tifosi Worldwide


What I just watched this morning and then what I am reading on Twitter, is nothing short of an embarrassment and a disgrace to the name of Ferrari, the Tifosi and Fernando Alonso.

Yet again we are going into another weekend praying for another Fernando miracle, as if he hasnt done enough for us already, its just ridiculous putting all this pressure on one driver race after race, when are the team going to step up and perform, if Fernando performed the way the team around him has performed, we'd be calling for his head, like we called for Kimi's head in 09 and massa's head for the last few seasons.

For Inside Ferrari to publicly go on twitter and practically give up and say ''that's all we got folks'''s a disgrace and very bad P.R, shut up, fix the damn car and stay off twitter until the team does something noteable.

How much long can Fernando drive at this level I dont know.....we are pimping this bloke for everything he has and in return we send him into a machine gun fight with a super soaker and then expect him to pull of a miracle.

P.S. Stefano, do the right thing, step down, you are nothing but a paper pushing H.R man who politicized his way to leading the team, no engineering background like witmarsh, no driving background like horner and I cannot see what significant gain having him brings to the team other than kissing up to Fernando.

This is Ferrari, if you cannot cut it, pack your bag and go to another team, simple as that.

It's not acceptable for a team like Ferrari to under-deliver time and again and then shove it all onto the 'miracle man' Fernando and hope he can drag a dumpster truck into places it should never go yet again.

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Re: Scuderia Ferrari - Disgracing Tifosi Worldwide


Sometimes I really doubt whether Fernando can win another title in his career. He has been in supreme form for the last 2 years, but Ferrari is unable to produce a car that can give him the opportunity to win titles. Every single race in the last 2 years have been damage limitation for him. It's a shame to have such a brilliant driver in your team and yet......

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Re: Scuderia Ferrari - Disgracing Tifosi Worldwide


banibhusan wrote:Sometimes I really doubt whether Fernando can win another title in his career. He has been in supreme form for the last 2 years, but Ferrari is unable to produce a car that can give him the opportunity to win titles. Every single race in the last 2 years have been damage limitation for him. It's a shame to have such a brilliant driver in your team and yet......

It makes me sick to my stomach, a top team like this with so much History basically riding off the efforts of a single man. The pressure on this man is immense, and it should not be like that. Since the day he joined our team he has more than fulfilled every obligation we have asked of him. It's about time we did the same otherwise we should do the right thing and let him go and and drive for a team that actually deserves a driver of his caliber.

Fernando is keeping people in their jobs right now, you think Dominecalli would still be around if Massa was still our number 1 driver in this year's car? Im not sure.

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Re: Scuderia Ferrari - Disgracing Tifosi Worldwide


Fernando isn't paid 30 million euros a season for nothing, so why shouldn't the pressure be on him to bring in results? He works for the team, not the other way around.

Ferrari has only been a perennial front runner for the last decade or so, so why is it a disgrace for them to be the third fastest team in what is the tightest grid for a long time? How boring would sport be if your favourite team won every year? The fact is Red Bull are on a different planet but Ferrari has been close to McLaren in both 2009, 10 (faster) and 11, and even this year, the Ferrari was faster than both Red Bull and McLaren on many occasions. The Ferrari isn't that bad of a car either, certainly not the dog it was for a few races at the start of the year. A few average years and you Tifosi get all :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
Cylinder wrote:when are the team going to step up and perform, if Fernando performed the way the team around him has performed, we'd be calling for his head, like we called for Kimi's head in 09 and massa's head for the last few seasons.
It's not acceptable for a team like Ferrari to under-deliver time and again and then shove it all onto the 'miracle man' Fernando and hope he can drag a dumpster truck into places it should never go yet again.
You sound like a New York sports fan in that first quote :? And the second quote makes no sense, the Ferrari was barely 3 tenths off the pace in Korea - not exactly a Mercedes GP car, is it?

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Re: Scuderia Ferrari - Disgracing Tifosi Worldwide


Websta wrote:Fernando isn't paid 30 million euros a season for nothing, so why shouldn't the pressure be on him to bring in results? He works for the team, not the other way around.

Ferrari has only been a perennial front runner for the last decade or so, so why is it a disgrace for them to be the third fastest team in what is the tightest grid for a long time? How boring would sport be if your favourite team won every year? The fact is Red Bull are on a different planet but Ferrari has been close to McLaren in both 2009,

2009? Ferrari were nowhere in 2009 Kimi won one race, that was it, Mclaren was the fastest car along with Red Bull for the second half of 2009 and I think Hamilton scored more points than anyone else for a large portion of that second half of the season, so I honestly dont know what you are talking about there to be honest. :roll:

As for the's embrassing for a team like Ferrari to rely on a driver to the extent they rely on Fernando, it's getting to be a joke now, it's nearly enough every weekend "We are nowhere but lets hope fernando can pull of a miracle" totally unacceptable, this relationship with Fernando is meant to be a two way thing.......we deliver a car, and he behaves himself and performs to the max of his ability and so far.....the only one who has come through on their end of the bargin is Fernando.

To think that Luca Di Montezemolo had a sit down with Fern before he joined us with 2010 and told him that we don't tolerate that mclaren behaviour and that he's need to give his 100% for ferrari otherwise he can go start his own F1 team.....Fern drives his heart out for us from day one, wins his 1st gp, wins his 1st Monza GP, drags us from a near impossible position to leading the championship in 2010.....before we cocked that up for him.

Enough is enough, Fernando has's about time we delivered for him, no more excuses, It cannot be a relationship of take take take and give little back.

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Re: Scuderia Ferrari - Disgracing Tifosi Worldwide


These idiots had Alonso safe on a 1.25.9 and then they send Alonso out again on what seems to be a new set of softs, thus wasting a good set of tyres for nothing......... :roll:

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Re: Scuderia Ferrari - Disgracing Tifosi Worldwide


Cylinder wrote: 2009? Ferrari were nowhere in 2009 Kimi won one race, that was it, Mclaren was the fastest car along with Red Bull for the second half of 2009 and I think Hamilton scored more points than anyone else for a large portion of that second half of the season, so I honestly dont know what you are talking about there to be honest. :roll:


Enough is enough, Fernando has's about time we delivered for him, no more excuses, It cannot be a relationship of take take take and give little back.
I guess you missed the first half of 2009 where the McLaren was just as bad as the Ferrari, and Kimi finished the season with the same number of podiums as Hamilton and only 1 point less. So maybe that is my point ....

And have you considered how poorly other teams have performed - how about McLaren? They have failed Hamilton consistently as well - and they are historically a much more competitive team, so why should Ferrari be expected to always be the best on the grid? McLaren managed to produce a decent car, yet have somehow managed to allow their driver to slip to a distant fourth in the ladder.

You sound like the worst kind of fan, the type that is only happy if the team is winning. In the last three years, Alonso and Ferrari have made serious challenges for the title twice, and the strategy they had in Abu Dhabi 2010 is only stupid in hindsight - at the time, it was a 50/50 call at worst. So quit whining, they are doing pretty well, not a disgrace at all. I would appreciate it if you stopped referring to Ferrari as "we" as well - you are clearly not a part of the team, literally or emotionally.

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Re: Scuderia Ferrari - Disgracing Tifosi Worldwide


Websta wrote: I guess you missed the first half of 2009 where the McLaren was just as bad as the Ferrari, and Kimi finished the season with the same number of podiums as Hamilton and only 1 point less. So maybe that is my point ....
:roll: I didnt miss the second half of the season when Mclaren did something that for the most part we are incapable of doing...putting in a massive development effort to drag their car from the lowrer end of the grid to being on a par with the Red Bull, thus Hamilton's points haul in the second half of season, I think only Vettel scored more points (someone can double check that incase im wrong) NO, we were not on the level of Mclaren in 2009, they had a race winning car in parts of 09.
Websta wrote: And have you considered how poorly other teams have performed - how about McLaren? They have failed Hamilton consistently as well - and they are historically a much more competitive team
I am a Tifosi, I don't care for how well Mclaren is doing, I expect Ferrari to deliver. By the way, how many WDC titles have this "Historically more competitive team won since 2000? 1 WDC? :lol:

Websta wrote: You sound like the worst kind of fan, the type that is only happy if the team is winning. In the last three years, Alonso and Ferrari have made serious challenges for the title twice, and the strategy they had in Abu Dhabi 2010 is only stupid in hindsight - at the time, it was a 50/50 call at worst. So quit whining, they are doing pretty well, not a disgrace at all.
This is the problem with Ferrari today, spineless fans, spineless management. Many years ago, during the schumacher era, we were utterly and totally ruthlesss, the management was ruthless, the driver was the most ruthless do whatever it takes driver of his time and a team that refused to accept anything other than winning, this is part of the reason Red Bull is a great team.....they are what Ferrari was many years ago, they dont care for 'rules' they do whatever it takes at their disposal to win title, there is no "we are doing pretty well" you know who talks like that?


People like you obviously do not follow other italian sport such as football where you have Ultras that will turn up at the training ground of an As Roma or Lazio and demand to know why the team is not performing, these teams have a history and a culture and they if they see it as being disrespected they will go on the offensive.

Unfortunately since Dominecalli has taken the reigns we see more of your kind claiming to represent Ferrari

"Better luck next time"
"Awww, hard luck guys, well done for finishing second"
"Lets hope for a miracle"
"Lets hope the red bulls take each other out at the start"

Loser mentality.

Do you think Luca Di Montezemolo sits in front of his t.v and thinks "we are not doing too bad" :lol:

I can tell you that is not the case.

Credit to Red Bull Racing, they are what we were many years ago, no respect for the rules and totally uncompromising, thats what it takes to win in this sport, wanna be a nice guy? Wanna play by the rules? Wanna do "pretty well" dont win multiple titles like they have.

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Re: Scuderia Ferrari - Disgracing Tifosi Worldwide


Cylinder wrote:
Websta wrote: ................

Unfortunately since Dominecalli has taken the reigns we see more of your kind claiming to represent Ferrari

"Better luck next time"
"Awww, hard luck guys, well done for finishing second"
"Lets hope for a miracle"
"Lets hope the red bulls take each other out at the start"

Loser mentality.

Do you think Luca Di Montezemolo sits in front of his t.v and thinks "we are not doing too bad" :lol:

I can tell you that is not the case.

Credit to Red Bull Racing, they are what we were many years ago, no respect for the rules and totally uncompromising, thats what it takes to win in this sport, wanna be a nice guy? Wanna play by the rules? Wanna do "pretty well" dont win multiple titles like they have.
I am not a Ferrari fan as such, actually a MS fan, but have my sentiments about Ferrari. Since 2008 my view is that SD is not the right person and maybe he's one of the reasons I stopped supporting the team. I dare say Ferrari became too McLaren'esque.
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Re: Scuderia Ferrari - Disgracing Tifosi Worldwide


don't ask what your scuderia ferrari can do for you but what you can do for your scuderia ferrari.

I was a ferrari fan when they were sh*t, I loved them because they were sh*t. today everyone wants to be a winner. even the losers.
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Re: Scuderia Ferrari - Disgracing Tifosi Worldwide


Cylinder wrote: Unfortunately since Dominecalli has taken the reigns we see more of your kind claiming to represent Ferrari

"Better luck next time"
"Awww, hard luck guys, well done for finishing second"
"Lets hope for a miracle"
"Lets hope the red bulls take each other out at the start"

Loser mentality.

Do you think Luca Di Montezemolo sits in front of his t.v and thinks "we are not doing too bad" :lol:

I can tell you that is not the case.

Credit to Red Bull Racing, they are what we were many years ago, no respect for the rules and totally uncompromising, thats what it takes to win in this sport, wanna be a nice guy? Wanna play by the rules? Wanna do "pretty well" dont win multiple titles like they have.
You are missing my point - I am questioning why Ferrari should be considered a disgrace if they are not dominating/winning every season and race? Just because they are Italian and have a long history? "Oh you aren't a true racing fan if you think finishing second is okay," -no, I would much rather they were winning, I also think SD isn't right for the job, but I do not think their recent performances are "a disgrace to Tifosi Worldwide". You sound like a complete lunatic - win at all costs (by cheating I assume you mean?)

I just don't like your whiney tone and comments, they belong in the comment section of a Fernando Alonso video on Youtube.

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Re: Scuderia Ferrari - Disgracing Tifosi Worldwide


Fernando summed it up quite well (quoted in
"At the moment we are not fighting against Sebastian only," Alonso said following qualifying. "We are also fighting against Newey"
Clearly Alonso has the ability to win. What Ferrari appears to be lacking is technical ability to match the team's driving ability. I have no answer. Maybe the team should take the money it is spending on developing young drivers and instead spend it on developing young engineers.

As far as poaching technical talent from other teams, that has not worked. Rory Byrne is the only designer who has been able to match Newey, but Rory has been a bit outside the technical mainstream for the past few years. IF major changes are made to the team's technical side, it is likely to have a down year while new talents/personalities/methods are integrated. AND WE NEED A BETTER WIND TUNNEL.
Enzo Ferrari was a great man. But he was not a good man. -- Phil Hill

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Re: Scuderia Ferrari - Disgracing Tifosi Worldwide


Websta wrote: You are missing my point - I am questioning why Ferrari should be considered a disgrace if they are not dominating/winning every season and race? Just because they are Italian and have a long history? "Oh you aren't a true racing fan if you think finishing second is okay," -no, I would much rather they were winning, I also think SD isn't right for the job, but I do not think their recent performances are "a disgrace to Tifosi Worldwide". You sound like a complete lunatic - win at all costs (by cheating I assume you mean?)

I just don't like your whiney tone and comments, they belong in the comment section of a Fernando Alonso video on Youtube.
Well it's not really a disgrace. We all know that no one, be it a person or an organization, can perform at the peak for eternity. Ferrari performed at their peak for almost a decade (1997-2008). Then the rules changed and they had to adapt to those new rules which took some time. During this RBR came to the fore and adapted these rules better and became the best performing team on the grid. So as a more realistic viewer you would probably agree that Ferrari also went through this slump and will bounce back strong. The problem now is it's not really happening for past 4 seasons TBH and that's what is causing such an extreme reaction in Italy and amongst fans all over the world. They are not struggling at the back of the grid, but their continued issues in management, development approach, wind tunnel (which they openly admit) is what surprises many. I hope I made my point.

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Re: Scuderia Ferrari - Disgracing Tifosi Worldwide


Cylinder wrote:For Inside Ferrari to publicly go on twitter and practically give up and say ''that's all we got folks'''s a disgrace and very bad P.R, shut up, fix the damn car and stay off twitter until the team does something noteable.
I'm having a hard time comprehending this. (I do like the earlier analogy by someone to sounding like New York sports media - quite accurate!).

I'm curious what your profession is, Cylinder. Have you never been in a competitive position where you do literally everything you can, exhaust every avenue for gain, and come up short of an objective? That's just how reality works.

I don't see how you can be "disgraced" or disappointed when someone has done everything they can and said as much (if the translation is indeed "That's all we got, folks"). You should be disappointed if they had said, "Oh don't worry there's more potential still in the car" as that would indicate they hadn't given it their all.

Can't just expect a race team (or sports team, or any professional organization) to always be able to wave the magic wand and pull a rabbit out of a hat. How do you get more when you've done everything in your power? R&D work, team building, whatever. But that doesn't happen overnight. Part of being in competition means enduring some challenges and failures.. maybe over a course of a few races or games, or maybe it's a few seasons. Just makes the wins that come afterward that much more satisfying.
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Re: Scuderia Ferrari - Disgracing Tifosi Worldwide


Websta wrote: win at all costs (by cheating I assume you mean?)
If you ever want a case study on standards have slipped both in Ferrari and with Ferrari fans, then look no further than this comment. This is the kind of loser mentality which the likes of Stefano have brought into the team.

Let me explain something to you.

It's only cheating if you get caught, in F1 teams are ruthless, they will do whatever it takes, spying (Mclaren) dodgy engine maps, traction control systems flexible wings..... whatever it takes.

The concept of whatever it takes and the concept of second place being the 1st of the losers is something totally lost on ''fans'' likes yourself. It's shame that something people like Todt, Schumacher and Brawn worked so hard to drill into the psyche of Ferrari have been eroded by this new breed of "play fair" "second place is okay" loser types like Stefano Dominecali and by fans like yourself.

This is why Red Bull are what they are, their top brass dont think like you, thats why they win.

This is what they think about in the morning.

"What do we need to do to win"
"How quickly can we do it"

End Of Story.

That's what Ferrari were once upon a know, when we actually used to win stuff and didnt have to beg and pray for miracles every weekend. :roll: