What I just watched this morning and then what I am reading on Twitter, is nothing short of an embarrassment and a disgrace to the name of Ferrari, the Tifosi and Fernando Alonso.
Yet again we are going into another weekend praying for another Fernando miracle, as if he hasnt done enough for us already, its just ridiculous putting all this pressure on one driver race after race, when are the team going to step up and perform, if Fernando performed the way the team around him has performed, we'd be calling for his head, like we called for Kimi's head in 09 and massa's head for the last few seasons.
For Inside Ferrari to publicly go on twitter and practically give up and say ''that's all we got folks''........it's a disgrace and very bad P.R, shut up, fix the damn car and stay off twitter until the team does something noteable.
How much long can Fernando drive at this level I dont know.....we are pimping this bloke for everything he has and in return we send him into a machine gun fight with a super soaker and then expect him to pull of a miracle.
P.S. Stefano, do the right thing, step down, you are nothing but a paper pushing H.R man who politicized his way to leading the team, no engineering background like witmarsh, no driving background like horner and I cannot see what significant gain having him brings to the team other than kissing up to Fernando.
This is Ferrari, if you cannot cut it, pack your bag and go to another team, simple as that.
It's not acceptable for a team like Ferrari to under-deliver time and again and then shove it all onto the 'miracle man' Fernando and hope he can drag a dumpster truck into places it should never go yet again.