Obviously I'm extremly happy with the result today, especially after all the bad luck and cheating game the team had suffered from since the mid season.
Is it necessary to say how exeptionnal Fernando was today? I don't think so. Saddly, another fight was determined by a mechanical incident, but after Hungary and Monza, I think it's safe to call it fair.
But I'd like also to say that Michael Schumacher, appart from driving superbly, gained some respect in my mind for his behavior today. The man didn't give the slightiest hint of trying a dirt steering wheel move at one crucial moment, and God know how much of an occasion he had to do so. Furthermore, in the coldness of disapointment, he acted very proffesionaly, calmy walking back to the pits, and cheering his engineers warmly despite the engine failure. In that I have to concede that he showed what he have more than the youngsters, which is obviously maturity.
That said, Fernando is a 25 year old champion, with enormous pressure on his shoulders, and I don't concede anything to those who try to drag him in the dirt just for not hiding the hot latin blood he is mad of.
Special congratulations also for the BMW Sauber team, I think we all seen the same retransmition, and I hope you heard the radio communication made to Robert Kubica near the end. For those who didn't, he was simply told to go all out for P8, which was held by Heidfeld. That's the good spirit! The total opposite of dirty teams orders. But the german drove cleanly and saddly we didn't see if it was a tight fight or not, because the realisation switched to Alonso's parade lap.
What happened to Albers? Was it a suspention failure that destroyed the wing or did the wing attachement point broke?