DaveKillens wrote:I think Sir Frank was referring to the fact that Kimi could be an even better racer if he devoted more time and effort towards his mental and physical conditioning, and spent less time on destructive leisure time.
Sure, we all need personal recreational time to keep from burning out and turning into robots. But alcohol and smoke, drugs and such stuff like that has a negative effect on a person. If you have a few drinks a few days before a race, you're just not at your peak. Yea, the alcohol is long gone from the system, but the body took a penalty, and depleted reserves to flush out the crap from the system.
I know from personal experiences from tons of sim racing that even just one drink, or some recreational puff puff does take that sharp edge away. And that's that last one or two percent that makes a difference in between acing every corner the entire race, or just getting around OK.
Untill now i didn't notice any influence of such things on Kimi driving. But on McLaren squad yes. They look drunk and on drugs. They make biggest mistakes in number and in stupidness from all in F1. They should be sorry now, that they missed oportunity to be champions because they had a great driver. F1 is not a sport where you can drive a car withouth one wing or one tyre, or without engine. Every one of as knew that Montoya is really quick when he drive for Wiliams. But when he came to McLaren he goth Kimi's sindrom. We all knew that Coulthard is good driver. But he also can't be compared with Kimi. If anybody watched F1 race will know that Kimi has something that others don't. His engine sound different when he drives. He has some characteristics in driving style that others don't. When he drives in qualifications on every TV station every comenator asks where is Kimi, even when his car is not perfect or good enough for pol. Because they know that if anyone can drive fast, that is Kimi. My profile picture shows what kind of driver he is.