Williams: Kimi not serious enough

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I am sure Kimi doesn't smoke as he hates the fact his wife smokes, or so I've read and he's clearly not drinking (in public) as the media say, judging by all the libel cases against each one, and rightly so, to clear his image. Imagine if a driver like manages to drive as good as Kimi under the effect of alcohol, what he'll do when he's sober ! :lol:
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DaveKillens wrote:I think Sir Frank was referring to the fact that Kimi could be an even better racer if he devoted more time and effort towards his mental and physical conditioning, and spent less time on destructive leisure time.
Sure, we all need personal recreational time to keep from burning out and turning into robots. But alcohol and smoke, drugs and such stuff like that has a negative effect on a person. If you have a few drinks a few days before a race, you're just not at your peak. Yea, the alcohol is long gone from the system, but the body took a penalty, and depleted reserves to flush out the crap from the system.
I know from personal experiences from tons of sim racing that even just one drink, or some recreational puff puff does take that sharp edge away. And that's that last one or two percent that makes a difference in between acing every corner the entire race, or just getting around OK.
Untill now i didn't notice any influence of such things on Kimi driving. But on McLaren squad yes. They look drunk and on drugs. They make biggest mistakes in number and in stupidness from all in F1. They should be sorry now, that they missed oportunity to be champions because they had a great driver. F1 is not a sport where you can drive a car withouth one wing or one tyre, or without engine. Every one of as knew that Montoya is really quick when he drive for Wiliams. But when he came to McLaren he goth Kimi's sindrom. We all knew that Coulthard is good driver. But he also can't be compared with Kimi. If anybody watched F1 race will know that Kimi has something that others don't. His engine sound different when he drives. He has some characteristics in driving style that others don't. When he drives in qualifications on every TV station every comenator asks where is Kimi, even when his car is not perfect or good enough for pol. Because they know that if anyone can drive fast, that is Kimi. My profile picture shows what kind of driver he is.

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Trust me, I'm not preaching non-fun stuff. I can't throw rocks in my glass house. But for anyone to be truly 100% and at the top of their form, you can't be clean enough, or focused enough. And for a Formla One driver where millions of dollars ride on each lap and salares are astronomical, the competition is fierce. Michael Schumacher shows this, and that is one reason why he is/was so successful. His level of physical fitness is truly Olympic athlete caliber. And so is his focus and concentration.
Even if a driver climbs into a car and is totally sober (which I do believe happens every time), just getting a buzz or drunk a few days previous detracts from that last bit of performance, which usually is what it takes to win races.
There is no douby Kimi is an extremely capable and talented driver. That alone is enough to win occasionally. But imagine what he would be like if he took a few years off partying and just concentrated on nothing but racing.

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DaveKillens wrote:Kimi could be an even better racer if he devoted more time and effort towards his mental and physical conditioning, and spent less time on destructive leisure time.
That statement is completely incorrect. Find out for ureslef why. It's completely obvious and has been discussed on this forum several times.

Joined: 28 Feb 2006, 21:26


Kimi will be fine. He did some of his best driving in 2003 and 2005 when he was in contention for the title, a situation he will definitely find himself in while with Ferrari. He seems to be one of those drivers who does best when the pressure is on.

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Definetly. Like any other driver all he needs is a bit of luck to do well and succeed. That is why he is considered one of the top F1 drivers and i'm hoping that Ferrari will be his extra bit of luck.

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boban-mk wrote:His engine sound different when he drives.
WEEEEEEn-WEEEEN-WEEEEN, then suddenly BoOoM!!!

(-)=changing gear...

Joined: 20 Jan 2005, 04:02


taleed wrote:
DaveKillens wrote:Kimi could be an even better racer if he devoted more time and effort towards his mental and physical conditioning, and spent less time on destructive leisure time.
That statement is completely incorrect. Find out for ureslef why. It's completely obvious and has been discussed on this forum several times.
Please explain why the statemet is incorrect, and why is it obvious?

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I think you're being hard on Kimi there thinking he drinks during the in-season. He might have had some moments during the offseason 2 years ago, but all of them reported till now has all been proven to be false and Kimi is taking legal actions on them it seems. He certainly doesnt seem to lack mental toughness, i think he's better than most in that, or physical conditioning where he has one of the best in the business as trainer in Arnall.
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i think that if this Image or this Image happened to you every other race, you would also seek som comfort with the striding man... (johnnie walker

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You can't judge Kimi like you know him! Mistakes happen in F1. They are like top fighter pilots... either they don't make human errors but the vehicle does and vice versa. To tell you the truth, I'm not a big fan of Kimi but that doesn't blind me from the obvious truth of him just being unlucky. So you should say he was unlucky like i did instead of coming down hard on him.
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All I'm saying is that no matter what your profession, you can only be at the top of your game if you are clean, and dedicated.

Joined: 03 Jun 2005, 10:54


Most of us have been getting drunk when were young and that's more-less "ok" if it doesn’t include driving but all the pics and video of drunk Kimi I've seen tell that he isn't just getting drunk but really overdoing it. I've been drinking 5 to 7 liters of beer with large amount of alcohol per night, day after day, mixed beer, brandy, wine and cognac but I've always walked home on my own (throwing up – yes but never collapsing or falling). Kimi is collapsing and falling all over the place with obvious need for assistance in those moments. Perhaps he has some private problem that is really bothering him that we don't know of. After being as drunk as he was on several pics I’ve seen his physical and mental condition can't return to previous state at least for one week or more. How that fits in tight schedule of F1 driver I don't know.

Is this guy trying to get him together Mika Hakkinen? :P

Mika: "Kimi, going to Ferrari isn't that bad" :lol:

Last edited by manchild on 16 Oct 2006, 03:43, edited 1 time in total.

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I've noticed everything needs a bit of alcohol in them to get going. Like cars!

p.s...(Nice pixx)
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allan wrote:
boban-mk wrote:His engine sound different when he drives.
WEEEEEEn-WEEEEN-WEEEEN, then suddenly BoOoM!!!

(-)=changing gear...
That's hilarious...more like weeeeeen-ween-waaaoooBoooM!!! :lol:
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