raymondu999 wrote:It's an award. It changes nothing. It's something you probably won't even remember in a month's time - and even if it did it wouldn't make an iota of difference in the quality, nor any aspect of, your life.
So call it a piece of rubbish, and move on. No use wasting time on being angry at something you can't change.
The map is not the territory.
I don't appreciate that tbh.
Who told you I thought it made any difference to my life?
Who told you I thought it changed anything?
Who even said I was in a situation that needed "moving on" from?
This is a discussion thread about the awards. We are discussing the awards.
Maybe what should be asked is why certain people cannot allow people to express their opinions as a discussion (which is what I thought forums were for) without jumping and telling people to "move on" as if every thread were a crime scene where people were only allowed to look as they walked by, make a passing comment and nothing more.
I could be just as rude and tell you that my discussion isn't making any changes to your life or changing anything and that you therefore should just read the posts and "move on" without being compelled to explain why I should.
After all, what "move on" means in reality is "you've said your piece, now stop talking". Else the simple act of discussion wouldn't require the need to tell people to "move on", nor would it bring with it the condescending assumption that people didn't already accept it.
When I said "No." to people asserting that people who disagreed with the vote should "move on", it was more of a "please stop telling me to stop discussing it" type of thing.
Blergh :-"