First of all, I watch F1 with fav Team and I fav Driver.
Merc, (As I always loved German Cars) and Vettel, as for me is the natural Succesor of MSC.
But I do not understand all the bashing to Vettel all the time...Call me Childish or Fan boy, but in all places, (TV, Blogs, Forums, and on..) people says, Vettel didnt earn what he acomplished, when he does something good, then it was the car..
So in order to be a 'Accepted Champion' you must win it with a car that is NOT the best, then perform flawless in all the races and then you will be liked. Also perhaps losing a championship too, as ppl will be think that you deserved the one you won.
So VET is winning because he takes his job seriously, the team works to create machines that will outperform the rest, so he went in the car and do his job and wins. So what's the problem? So if him winning all the time is bad, the FC Barcelona is bad, Brazil is bad... Valentino Rossi was bad. Microsoft is bad, and the list goes on...
So perhaps you could help me to understand why all this bashing...because F1 is getting a little "Drama" for my taste, and not because a single Drivers wins, instead because the ppl are making all this drama.
Sorry if this bothers anyone directly, that was not my intention.