Why all the bashing to Vettel?

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Why all the bashing to Vettel?


First of all, I watch F1 with fav Team and I fav Driver.
Merc, (As I always loved German Cars) and Vettel, as for me is the natural Succesor of MSC.

But I do not understand all the bashing to Vettel all the time...Call me Childish or Fan boy, but in all places, (TV, Blogs, Forums, and on..) people says, Vettel didnt earn what he acomplished, when he does something good, then it was the car..

So in order to be a 'Accepted Champion' you must win it with a car that is NOT the best, then perform flawless in all the races and then you will be liked. Also perhaps losing a championship too, as ppl will be think that you deserved the one you won.

So VET is winning because he takes his job seriously, the team works to create machines that will outperform the rest, so he went in the car and do his job and wins. So what's the problem? So if him winning all the time is bad, the FC Barcelona is bad, Brazil is bad... Valentino Rossi was bad. Microsoft is bad, and the list goes on...

So perhaps you could help me to understand why all this bashing...because F1 is getting a little "Drama" for my taste, and not because a single Drivers wins, instead because the ppl are making all this drama.

Sorry if this bothers anyone directly, that was not my intention.

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Re: Why all the bashing to Vettel?


This thread wont end well.

People tend to hero worship there favorite driver. So when that driver isn't winning they look for excuses as to why they should be.

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Re: Why all the bashing to Vettel?


wild guess ... people don't like him maybe?

figure out for yourself why is that ...

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Re: Why all the bashing to Vettel?


Thus isn't really the right place to ask that question...

Look, this is a technical forum. Sometimes it might look like we don't give enough credit to the driver, while what we really are doing is filtering the driver out to have a clear picture on car performance. Often we have the problem here that that is misunderstood, people keep hammering on it and things spin out of control. Generally most members here have a fairly neutral view on the drivers.

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Re: Why all the bashing to Vettel?


Because he gives a damn! And rightfully so!
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Re: Why all the bashing to Vettel?


flynfrog wrote:This thread wont end well.
Nor did it start well. And I'm not convinced the middle is doing all that great either.

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Re: Why all the bashing to Vettel?


I don't know the answers really, but the same thing happened when Schumacher was winning all the time...people find it boring when 1 driver is dominating for too long.

I think it doesn't help that he is winning in the best car and that, 2010 aside, Webber hasn't really run him all that close. I think perhaps people feel that he has had it too easy. I personally don't think that is the case. Yes the Red Bull has usually been the class of the field since the 2nd half of 2009, but that still requires the driver to do their part.

I've seen people claim that any driver could win in the RBR...if that is so, what does it say about Webber? It still take a great deal of skill to maximise the car's potential and deliver consistently fast lap times.

I'm not a Vettel fan, but he is certainly a very talented driver and by all accounts a really nice guy.

Perhaps when he's done winning, history will look kinder on him.
Favourite driver: Lando Norris
Favourite team: McLaren

Turned down the chance to meet Vettel at Silverstone in 2007. He was a test driver at the time and I didn't think it was worth queuing!! 🤦🏻‍♂️

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Re: Why all the bashing to Vettel?


Do you know what we don't need? Another f***king thread about a driver...

The reason for the Vettel (and every other driver) bashing is very simple: the mods allow too much non technical chatter about drivers and race incidents on the boards and it breeds a culture of trash talking instead of technical discussion...

I personally would love to see all the race threads, driver threads and team threads shifted somewhere out of site where they don't show up on the home page. If you want to circle jerk over drivers or argue over who squeezed who off the track, go to Planet F1 or something. This board has been overtaken by fanboys in the last 6 months or so and I'd say about 80-90% of all the posts made now are absolutely non technical drivel and its making the place look bad.


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Re: Why all the bashing to Vettel?


thevlack wrote:First of all, I watch F1 with fav Team and I fav Driver.
Merc, (As I always loved German Cars) and Vettel, as for me is the natural Succesor of MSC.


So perhaps you could help me to understand why all this bashing...because F1 is getting a little "Drama" for my taste, and not because a single Drivers wins, instead because the ppl are making all this drama.

Sorry if this bothers anyone directly, that was not my intention.
I understand your sentiment, but this question really doesn't have any straight forward answer. Hence it would be much better not to pay attention to such discussion to avoid wasting your own time. You have the right to follow a single team and driver and not necessarily have to prove anyone why. Same goes for others and no one likes their fav driver to be dominated by someone else. The more you spend time reading these Vettel bashing posts, the more it'll affect you. And believe me, F1 is much more than just the drivers in it.

This place has ample technical content to go through. So spend time on those and you'll be much more happy.

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Re: Why all the bashing to Vettel?


It's simple, really. Some people are still mad about the Third Reich! :twisted:
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Re: Why all the bashing to Vettel?


Let me put it this way:

Vettel isn't bad, Marko is.
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Re: Why all the bashing to Vettel?


notApineapple wrote:[rant]
Do you know what we don't need? Another f***king thread about a driver...

The reason for the Vettel (and every other driver) bashing is very simple: the mods allow too much non technical chatter about drivers and race incidents on the boards and it breeds a culture of trash talking instead of technical discussion...

I personally would love to see all the race threads, driver threads and team threads shifted somewhere out of site where they don't show up on the home page. If you want to circle jerk over drivers or argue over who squeezed who off the track, go to Planet F1 or something. This board has been overtaken by fanboys in the last 6 months or so and I'd say about 80-90% of all the posts made now are absolutely non technical drivel and its making the place look bad.

This. I don't really need to add anything, I fully agree with this
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Re: Why all the bashing to Vettel?


notApineapple wrote:[rant]
Do you know what we don't need? Another f***king thread about a driver...

The reason for the Vettel (and every other driver) bashing is very simple: the mods allow too much non technical chatter about drivers and race incidents on the boards and it breeds a culture of trash talking instead of technical discussion...

I personally would love to see all the race threads, driver threads and team threads shifted somewhere out of site where they don't show up on the home page. If you want to circle jerk over drivers or argue over who squeezed who off the track, go to Planet F1 or something. This board has been overtaken by fanboys in the last 6 months or so and I'd say about 80-90% of all the posts made now are absolutely non technical drivel and its making the place look bad.


notApineapple for Mod 2014

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Re: Why all the bashing to Vettel?


notApineapple wrote:Do you know what we don't need?
Someone taking this thread too seriously, injecting it with name calling and foul language, and then complaining that the thread is beneath the longstanding dignity of a forum he only joined a few months ago?

That. I suspect that is probably what we don't need.

If you don't like a thread, then report it to the mods. Otherwise ignore it. Simple.

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Re: Why all the bashing to Vettel?


My favorite driver can beat up your favorite driver!