xpensive wrote:This forum is gathering a new crowd with a bold interpretation of the past, don't you agree Fox?
I'm sure both Clark and Barnard would have been on that list, only had their xistance been known.
Andrea Sassetti was another interesting character, a little in Briatore's league if you ask me, but was he great?
I don't know about "Fox" but for me it doesn't get any bolder than to throw blanket and dismissive statements like this one as the only argument, be it from new, old or in-between "crowd":
xpensive wrote:This hype over Brawn as TP is amazing, two seasons with Honda going backwards, then a flash on a loophole in the new rules, followed by three seasons at Mercedes going nowhere and then finally a couple of wins after hiring every TD on the market?
What hype? So Brawn's teams were "going nowhere" until they were "somewhere" which of course can't be attributed to him because it would ruin fixed point of view, how easy. The only old, tired argument missing is Honda-Brawn was the most expensive car or some nonsense like that. Of course his replacement cannot be judged because he was never a team principal which makes him automatically excluded from critique and obviously a better option. Never run Honda "anywhere". A bit like Marko's logic that Kvyat handles better pressure of WsbR because he never drove there?
The only rub is these "couple of wins" (and couple of championships but let's leave those). How easier that would be if Mercedes 2013 wasn't good. That was always a danger when hiring replacement before start of the season, decent car and results were always going to make this situation a bit awkward but that's corporate scapegoat + "change" logic.
As for how to judge team principal, I can't come up with anything better with all differences between teams than some alternative reality where someone else manages Brawn/Honda to more than two championships and maybe (it's quite close to it) only loses to Red Bull beating Ferrari/McLaren on more than one occasion. Unless it's only because of those all available TDs Brawn hired, which would lead to unwanted in context of Brawn dismissive critique conclusion than Ferrari wins should be partly attributed to Brawn. Let's dismiss them then just like that.