It's just an opinion, his opinion, and his take on things. Just as anyone here is entitled to their own opinion. We might not agree with them, it doesn't really matter. On a different note; and in reponse to Kiril;
To some degree, I guess, *I* do care. Because I'm not a doctor, haven't studied anything remotely close to medicine. I've also been fortunate enough to have never been in a hospital other than to visit perhaps a relative or friend. This makes me hopelessly ignorant on many topics regarding health, diseases beyond the odd flu or cold. The only way for me to inform myself is through views and takes by other more informed people. Also one of the reasons why I started reading this place too - because there's lot of know-how here regarding Formula 1 tech in general. Doesn't mean I believe everything this Gary Hartstein writes. I guess it's a bit like politics or other news - in the end, we're exposed to so much media, some of it factual, some of it objective, others less informed, exagerated, sensationalistic propaganda, that all we can really do is find the truth somewhere in the middle of all of this and try to look at things from a more objective point of view.Kiril wrote:who cares what a former doctor has to say, really?