Schumacher ski accident, coma and recovery

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Re: Schumacher ski accident, coma and recovery


I think one of the biggest issues here is that the internet has enabled practically anyone outthere to reach critical mass through blogs or otherwise. However, at the very same time, I don't see anything Gary Hartstein wrote different to what we do here on public space, a forum, where we as members voice our take on things.

It's just an opinion, his opinion, and his take on things. Just as anyone here is entitled to their own opinion. We might not agree with them, it doesn't really matter. On a different note; and in reponse to Kiril;
Kiril wrote:who cares what a former doctor has to say, really?
To some degree, I guess, *I* do care. Because I'm not a doctor, haven't studied anything remotely close to medicine. I've also been fortunate enough to have never been in a hospital other than to visit perhaps a relative or friend. This makes me hopelessly ignorant on many topics regarding health, diseases beyond the odd flu or cold. The only way for me to inform myself is through views and takes by other more informed people. Also one of the reasons why I started reading this place too - because there's lot of know-how here regarding Formula 1 tech in general. Doesn't mean I believe everything this Gary Hartstein writes. I guess it's a bit like politics or other news - in the end, we're exposed to so much media, some of it factual, some of it objective, others less informed, exagerated, sensationalistic propaganda, that all we can really do is find the truth somewhere in the middle of all of this and try to look at things from a more objective point of view.
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Re: Schumacher ski accident, coma and recovery


I don't know what that quote in bhall's post is supposed to be supporting, but it sounds like heartless bollocks to me. If my wife were ill I would have absolutely zero interest in preparing publicity material about her condition for consumption in the wider world.

Ah, I think the video clip may be bhall's comment. Yes, exactly.

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Re: Schumacher ski accident, coma and recovery


Phil wrote: To some degree, I guess, *I* do care.
It's great we have a field for arguments and discussions in a civilized manner. And I guess it's purely down from where everyone comes from. In my case, I've been treated many times from injuries, both from sports and car crashes, so I know, painfully bad, how stupid it is to speculate.

I must admit I didn't like Gary H's attitude, especially since he left F1 in a forceful manner. This isn't to disregard his achievements in F1 or his professionalism, but the way it was expressed was perhaps a bit, um... misleading.

On a related matter, I have a friend who's F1 junkie and neurosurgeon. I'm still pursuing him for medical opinion on MSC's case, and he refused comment every time so far with the argument he's not well informed.
So, Gary's take on the matter is again based on what we all know and I'm saying that just a handful of people who are really aware of what the real situation is.

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Re: Schumacher ski accident, coma and recovery


bhall wrote:
Gary Hartstein wrote:I’m not a journalist, and I’m not a PR/communications professional. But I totally fail to see how the current comms policy helps either Michael or his family. I fail to see how talking to us about the significant ups and downs of this long hard process damages Michael’s privacy or makes Corinna and the kids’ journey more difficult. I cannot possibly understand the reasons for any of this. I’ve said it before, and I’ll repeat it. This is totally unfair to the people who made Michael the celebrity he is. The people who vibrated to his victories, and were saddened by his defeats. They deserve to be told something. I didn’t say it’s their right to know (although jurisprudence places looser limits on celebrities’ “privacy” than on that of “normal” citizens); rather I said they DESERVE to know. Why on earth is their pain not being considered? How is keeping the millions of fans in the dark helping ANYTHING?
well that was the nail in the coffin. Gary is an idiot. I see there's great reason he no longer is a F1 doctor....jeesh. :wtf:

michael isn't made a celebrity. HE is michael. He won 7 Wolrd Driver Championships, the fans sat behind the tele and bought racing tickets. they paid for F1 to exist, not for michael to win. If that was true, then these paydrivers would have be WDC by now.
No fan deserves to know squad. Seriously, how is anybody able to take this guy serious? :wtf: #-o
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Re: Schumacher ski accident, coma and recovery


ScottB wrote:The media coverage of this is quite irresponsible, and is getting people's hopes up; headlines of 'Schumacher leaves hospital'
Agreed. Indeed, look at the headline on this very forum currently. To the uninformed, or the desperate, it sounds like he has just woken up and walked out of the hospital.
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Re: Schumacher ski accident, coma and recovery


Just_a_fan wrote:
ScottB wrote:The media coverage of this is quite irresponsible, and is getting people's hopes up; headlines of 'Schumacher leaves hospital'
Agreed. Indeed, look at the headline on this very forum currently. To the uninformed, or the desperate, it sounds like he has just woken up and walked out of the hospital.
When fans started believing, by all the non sense Guessing from some experts, that he would never come out of Coma and then you suddenly hear the news of him getting discharged from Hospital after waking up from Coma, it definitely is a great news. Well, would he make it back to normal, which I deeply wish and pray for, is a question that only time answers. Until then, it is great news and a rejoicing one for his fans.

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Re: Schumacher ski accident, coma and recovery


Manoah2u wrote:
No fan deserves to know squad.
There is nothing wrong with little info and more accurate info being given out, as he said it is not harming the family in any way. When the entire fan base of MS wishing him well it is rude of the MS family to shut them out.

If your neighbor (someone you connected with) is sick, you inquire of his condition and get a --- off, how would you feel?

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Re: Schumacher ski accident, coma and recovery


WilliamsF1 wrote:
Manoah2u wrote:
No fan deserves to know squad.
There is nothing wrong with little info and more accurate info being given out, as he said it is not harming the family in any way. When the entire fan base of MS wishing him well it is rude of the MS family to shut them out.
Yes there is something wrong with it - the Schumacher family have a right to their privacy, and a right to deal with the condition of their very close relative in any way they like. You are not entitled to know what's going on.
If your neighbor (someone you connected with) is sick, you inquire of his condition and get a --- off, how would you feel?
You feel like an asshole for upsetting your neighbour's relatives, especially when they're going through something extremely tough?

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Re: Schumacher ski accident, coma and recovery


beelsebob wrote:
WilliamsF1 wrote:
Manoah2u wrote:
No fan deserves to know squad.
There is nothing wrong with little info and more accurate info being given out, as he said it is not harming the family in any way. When the entire fan base of MS wishing him well it is rude of the MS family to shut them out.
Yes there is something wrong with it - the Schumacher family have a right to their privacy, and a right to deal with the condition of their very close relative in any way they like. You are not entitled to know what's going on.
If your neighbor (someone you connected with) is sick, you inquire of his condition and get a --- off, how would you feel?
You feel like an asshole for upsetting your neighbour's relatives, especially when they're going through something extremely tough?
i fully agree that schumis family have a right to privacy, but schumi is a public figure, well admired by many, and we treat him almost as a brother etc. it is totally correct that people should be concerned about his health, and to not ask about him, would in fact be quite insulting.
i doubt that anyone would feel like an a**hole if told to mind their own business, but equally, i doubt that anyone in schumis family would even tell anyone to mind their own business...they would appreciate the fact that his fans are concerned about him.

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Re: Schumacher ski accident, coma and recovery


gilgen wrote:i fully agree that schumis family have a right to privacy, but schumi is a public figure, well admired by many, and we treat him almost as a brother etc. it is totally correct that people should be concerned about his health, and to not ask about him, would in fact be quite insulting.
There's a difference between asking, and demanding to know, or expecting to know, or publishing insulting articles when you get told "sorry, we're not going to answer your question" politely.
i doubt that anyone would feel like an a**hole if told to mind their own business, but equally, i doubt that anyone in schumis family would even tell anyone to mind their own business...they would appreciate the fact that his fans are concerned about him.
Schumi's family have repeatedly asked people to mind their own business. Please respect that.

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Re: Schumacher ski accident, coma and recovery


I don't know, MS is an xtremely official person and the way media speculates is only natural I think, he has also made a fortune largely with the media's help. Compare with Lady Diana Spencer's misfortune, just modern journalism.
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Re: Schumacher ski accident, coma and recovery


xpensive wrote:I don't know, MS is an xtremely official person and the way media speculates is only natural I think, he has also made a fortune largely with the media's help. Compare with Lady Diana Spencer's misfortune, just modern journalism.
"Just modern journalism" does not imply that it's okay. Chasing people down motorways on bikes with big cameras was also "Just modern journalism", but it still resulted in someone's death.

In the case of Schumacher the "modern journalism" is unlikely to end up causing a death, but it certainly is causing pain to a family at a time when they're already hurting.

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Re: Schumacher ski accident, coma and recovery


beelsebob wrote:
xpensive wrote:I don't know, MS is an xtremely official person and the way media speculates is only natural I think, he has also made a fortune largely with the media's help. Compare with Lady Diana Spencer's misfortune, just modern journalism.
"Just modern journalism" does not imply that it's okay. Chasing people down motorways on bikes with big cameras was also "Just modern journalism", but it still resulted in someone's death.

In the case of Schumacher the "modern journalism" is unlikely to end up causing a death, but it certainly is causing pain to a family at a time when they're already hurting.

What would cause misinformation would be lack of information and speculation by people less informed. Why hide the good or bad news?

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Re: Schumacher ski accident, coma and recovery


I think it is just a natural basic reaction of Schumachers family to try and keep everything out of the media as best as they can. even if one can say the whole schumacher Family has been immensely fortunate with the nice sides of life provided by Schumachers unprivate life ,that´s correct but you cannot demand anything to be presenteted to the General public ..
so Patience is what we are all asked off instad of crying out loud for information.

Joined: 31 Jan 2010, 20:37

Re: Schumacher ski accident, coma and recovery


prince wrote:
Just_a_fan wrote:
ScottB wrote:The media coverage of this is quite irresponsible, and is getting people's hopes up; headlines of 'Schumacher leaves hospital'
Agreed. Indeed, look at the headline on this very forum currently. To the uninformed, or the desperate, it sounds like he has just woken up and walked out of the hospital.
When fans started believing, by all the non sense Guessing from some experts, that he would never come out of Coma and then you suddenly hear the news of him getting discharged from Hospital after waking up from Coma, it definitely is a great news. Well, would he make it back to normal, which I deeply wish and pray for, is a question that only time answers. Until then, it is great news and a rejoicing one for his fans.
The problem is the phrase "wake up". It suggests to many that he is doing what we all do in the morning when we "wake up" - wake up, open our eyes, talk to our partner etc.

The information given so far can mean anything from a dribbling shell of a man unable to do anything for himself all the way to a fully functioning individual. The likelihood, sadly, is that it's the former - if he was functioning then the family would be saying something encouraging.
If you are more fortunate than others, build a larger table not a taller fence.