dans79 wrote:O please, Nico is no more German than I am. He has lived in Monaco his entire life.
I do nor know if it would change my personal feeling about my nationality if I would have lived in Monaco or London or Paris...I think other things define how we feel.
SidSidney wrote:basti313 wrote:SidSidney wrote:Honestly Hamilton is an idiot sometimes.
It's a modern world. All this nationalism is just silly.
We have to be cautious with judging Hamilton for what he says and how he looks. He is a Simon Fuller toy, he is a Spicegirl now.
You know I could buy that if Fuller created and owned Hamilton, like he did the Spice Girls. But Hamilton hired Fuller, not vice versa.
Well, I would also think different if there wouldn't have been this extreme change in Hamiltons behavior and look since he hired Fuller. He just did not stay himself.
SidSidney wrote:
Lewis has to decide how he wants to present himself, he's paying the bill. Choosing Fuller just demonstrates his priorities (and the influence of his ex-girlfriend). Spewing this quasi-racist nonsense makes him look dumb, inexperienced, unworldly; and I thought he didn't like that?
Well, this is what I wanted to say. Maybe Fuller-toy is the wrong description. Hamilton decided to be presented in the way Fuller presents his clients and Hamilton knew this style very well, I think we coincide in this. So he chose to be a Spicegirl...
And as I said: Fuller never presented a rocket scientist. All his clients look dumb, stupid and sometimes arrogant or disrespectful. This his how he keeps them in the papers.
SidSidney wrote:
Rosberg will be laughing up his socks at that comment. The entire garage will turn against Hamilton. You watch: there will be a mechanical error in Germany, and I know who's car it won't be on...
No. The mechanics earn money with every point the drivers and the team wins. And they work for this money and nothing else. Conspiracy theories and personal preferences are for fanboys and the media.