modbaraban wrote:
Looks like mr.E did everything right then

right, be sarcastic. as if F1 would be nearly as popular, developed or profitable without his input. it's not *just* his fault that F1 hasn't gotten far in the US, and it's not likely to get much further without his involvement either. he's certainly not scared of change.
modbaraban wrote:
Now you can watch the gas station for 2 hours. I hope u'll enjoy it.
pull yourself out of fanboy mode for just a second.
why don't you tell us the most memorable bits of the actual racing last GP - that'd have been, what, the start, and maybe kimi raikkonen going third to first... without actually overtaking anyone at all? of the 24 cars racing, how many honestly, really had a shot of doing anything seriously competitive? are you going to bullshit and say it was >4 cars. or that the racing might actually go to the finish line... not the last pit stop?
and all the manufacturers are relevant to the 95th percentile, right? because you know anyone - anyone - that drives/gets excited about a spyker that's what... dead last by a long way every GP unless someone else has a major off?
- i hope spyker get competitive (or that we get rules that have them be more competitive) and we can see what sutil can do in something other than rain or a one-off practice session
- i hope to watch an f1 race where there's actual, competitive racing - people overtaking each other for 12th isn't racing
- i want to see a race where kimi raikkonen doesn't go 1st in quali and wins by overtaking everyone else on track, because i think he can and because i think it'd be great to watch
- i want to see a race to the finish line every race, not a race i can tune off on after the leaders have made their last pitstops knowing team orders are in conservation mode... if hamilton wins from alonso, why should i - a fan - be denied watching the world champion drive LIKE a world champion to the finish line for the WHOLE race? you really think most people get excited about watching drivers get told to turn the RPM down and just bring it home?
yeah i'd like that all but we just don't get anywhere near that in f1, and to top it off the personalities involved are cold. so when you try to sell it to a market that already has series with very good racing in them - not just NASCAR - it's not nearly so marketable. the shame is f1 used to be and most of its fans would love it even more if it was again.
so come on mate, you tell me what's so exciting about the racing in f1 these days and how your average racing fan could and should be interested in it.