yes it certainly pays off to have to biggest McLaren has for 2007.
Strangely Toyota has lost ground in this area..and are rumoured to make up a bit of ground by spending extra to hire Sato(!?) for 2008. Honestly, both Ralf and Jarno have lost their motivation (Ralf the most) from the lack of progress in Toyota, yet getting the 50% spin 50% quick Sato ain`t what Toyota needs in this situation. What Toyota really neeeds in a combination like Michael Schumacher and Ross Brawn. And then offer these two "unlimited" resourches.
Ferrari has definitly proved those people that prediced a downward slump from losing Michael and Ross right. Once the momentum from having the most Bridgestone data has started to fade out Ferrari is visually losing ground to McLaren, and by the end of this season I predict Ferrari will struggle to make it on to the podiums. It`s no longer a secret that both Ferrari and Kimi himself are quite disapointed about his performance. Massa is simply quicker AND more consistant. Is there something wrong about Kimi or was he simply overrated? Has Ferrari been fooled by hype? A hype that forced them to come to the arguably wrong conlution that Kimi was the future....and indirectly tell Michael that he was the past??
Looking at this decision Ferrari made a HUGE and costly mistake by putting what from the outside looked like pressure on Michael to retire and give Massa the oportunity rather than to run a back to back test between Massa and Kimi to fine out if Kimi would really be worth the effort..and the loss of Massa. Undoubtably Ross Brawn left as a consequence of what he must have seen as a bad move by Ferrari. Michael and Ross would likely have done things to stop Ferrari slipping away from the McLarens like is happening at this moment....history proves that. And what ever u think about Michael...he would never look like Kimi in the middel of the pack. Michael always found ways to improve a difficult position during and inbetween GP`s. Kimi he just seems to give up once things are not moving in his favour.
So either Kimi takes a long talk with himself in the mirror and takes charge to motivate his engineers to turn the negative trend into a positive charge...or Michael must dress up in his drivers suit and start testing again a.s.a.p.
Unfortunately it doesn`t help Ferrari that sponsors has walked away in numbers as Michael steppend out of the car...
Money is no longer easy to find for the Ferrari. SO how long untill they are back where they were before 1996?
Renault looks to be finding the sollutions to the critical loss of the superiour Michelin tyres. Yet I think it`s time for Fisichella to retire, sure he has a few highs left in him yet the lows are in critical high number since several seasons now, how he was able to stay with Renault into 2007 in beyond understanding. Kovolainen will only get stronger and needs a better sparring-partner in order to improve further.
Honda...outpaced by their customer? wawaweewa..
McLarens technical advantage is growing and sad to say NOTHING out there has any means in them to stop them.
Anyone can be champion in the current McLaren. And it`s fun Hamilton is the guy that is handpicked to pick up the trophy

as Ron seems to have reaslised that those team orders/preferential tactics in favour of Alonso WERE a mistake. Hamilton is now no 1 and he earned t DESPITE the teams efforts to prevent it. Well done Hamilton!!
I think the Britts may start singning "F1`s coming home" with confidence