do the European emission rules (for certifying new vehicles) have a 'DD' clause ?
(without this the cars have apparently passed the testing)
we were told yesterday that 1.2 million VW group cars here in the UK have the DD-qualifying software
today Lord Drayson (ex Govt chief scientific advisor) tells us that diesels are killing people and that subsidy for diesels is wrong
if a country eg the Netherlands has diesel fuel cheaper than petrol (gasoline) does this mean diesels don't kill people in that country ?
UK 'science' says how many in the UK die annually from diesel pollution (at 29000 people-years of death-prematurity)
though the 29000 'premature deaths' are/were attributed to particulates (elsewhere 6000 were attributed to NOx)
presumably this 'science' looking at age of death wrt other parameters eg voting patterns .....
would show eg that voting Demoblican causes 173000 premature deaths compared with voting Repucrat
it's screamingly obvious that making diesels (and others) apparently ever cleaner, by lowering test emission limits .....
will not give a proportionate benefit to emissions in-use
the public should in part blame the regulators and those behind them