Can't forget that Kimi had alternator problem in Spain and hydraulics in Europe. I would say that would be anywhere between 12 to 16 points
if we were to restart the season probablity of rain should the same
and reliablity really isn't a if factor. the design of the car determins the reliablity so u can't say that reliablity isn't a factor of judge which car is the best. the point that i was trying to make that mclaren mayb the second fastest car, but it is much much faster than the third fastest car which implys that it will away finish in the top 5 or better and adding on it's unblievable reliablity it can score more point than ferrari and it did. and the mp4 22 can qualify better than ferrari.
and JPM and driver who loves oversteer in a oversteering car the MP4 20 struggle to keep up with Kimi Wrong.... JPM said word for word "I turn the wheel, and it doesn't turn" Watch Malaysia onboard JPM. Lots of UNDERsteer
if u were refering to 2005 kimi didn't like the car that much at that moment either, the mp4-20 started perform later in that season. and remember kimi beat JPM at monza qualy isn't JPM's favourite circuit?
kimi is alway said to be very much the same driving style as michael schumacher and believe me he loves oversteer.
at 2004 both kimi and FA each had a great battle with Michael Schumacher and kimi was the one who won despite not having a better car than FA That is weakest argument I've ever heard... Yes, FA should've won France, but they stayed out too long on less than great tyres
all im saying is that kimi had a worst car the FA, but he managed to fight with Schumacher and win. having good strategy is also important in a driver. And had FA pitted for the 4th time in the 2004 french GP he is not match to Schumacher's pace. well u can also say that kimi won in 2004 spa was a luck thing but he did win.
i would agree that we can't speculate, but i really have to make the point that kimi is better than FA, mayb not much but he is better.
both FA and LH lost by one point the overall package of mclaren is clearly better than ferrari fanboy....
i m definately not a mclaren fan.
all i m saying is that mclaren hav the best blend of pace and reliablity and it should be awarded the best car.
if ferrari were to have better reliablity it will i hav not doubt taken both championships with ease