I think the imposition of a limit on windtunnel/CFD and other testing is absurd.
Here is the full list of restrictions..
The following aerodynamic testing restrictions will be applied from 2008:
• Teams to use no more than one wind tunnel.
• Test fluid to be air at atmospheric pressure.
• Maximum test section wind speed 50m/sec.
• Maximum model scale 60%.
• No more than one model to be tested during a run.
• Maximum usage to be equivalent to 15 runs per 8 hour day on 5 days per week for team F1 purposes. Tunnel may be contracted out at other times.
• Aerodynamic testing may only take place in wind tunnels if at reduced scale or at FIA approved test tracks if full scale. Full size testing to be subject to the F1 testing agreement.
• Full scale specific aerodynamic testing is to be reduced to 5 days/year.
• Restrictions will be imposed to stop shift of resource from wind tunnel testing to CFD.
• The number of people involved in CFD development will be limited to a number to be agreed.
• CFD computer systems will be characterised in order to set hardware performance limits but growth will be allowed year-on-year to allow for hardware / software development.
Other restrictions will be placed on Rig Testing, Design and Manufacturing, Suspension and Brakes, Hydraulic Systems, Bodywork, Weight Distribution, Circuit Testing and the number of personnel at races.
Further details of these restrictions will be given to the teams at a meeting on 11 January 2008 and detailed regulations based on these principles will be put forward at the spring meeting of the WMSC.
http://www.fia.com/mediacentre/Press_Re ... 07-14.html
What on earth do teams such as Honda, who have 2 wind tunnels, 1x 50% scale model tunnel and 1x 100% scale tunnels do now? They've spent millions of pounds/dollars on implementing, commisioning, running these tunnels for what? To be told they can't use their 100% tunnel now? Same with many other teams, like Ferrari, McLaren, BMW and so on.
Restrictions on test rigs? WTF? Test rigs are essential for safety! Limit the amount of test rig time, tunnel tests, cfd tests etc will mean the test & race drivers will be put in even more danger than they are in when they pilot these cars!
CFD h/w restrictions? WTF? Honda just paid shedloads of money for a SGI system. BMW have a collosal CFD system with 1024 CPUs and a TB of RAM.. Now the FIA want to "dumb down" these systems or limit their use?
I am bemused beyond belief. How can the FIA police this? What are the sanctions for breaching the testing limits?
WTF is Max and the FIA doing?????????