mcdenife wrote:multiple choice question.
Forgetting about the rest of the field for a moment, of the big guns (in terms of financial clout) which team, in the long term, benefits most from this:
e) Renault
....Their budget is not as high as other top teams, thus the ¨cost cutting¨ rules will not have such a great effect on them (prob). That´s how I see it anyways. And since they havn´t invested in RD as much as other teams, they won´t be wasting as much.
They have been squeezing the same amount, or more, from the same, or smaller orange in the past few years, in comparison to other top teams. (or maybe it was because they had FA in the main seat

I believe that future rules should equally take into account, efficiency and effectiveness. Or a just amount from both ends of the spectrum.