I know that is not easy time for you, but:
Look’s like you, your supporters, including all British media, were right. That was witch hunt. But problem is, FIA find the Witch.
I certainly hope that those journalists who vehemently defended you, and vilified the FIA, WMSC and Ferrari, condemn McLaren with the same style of wrighting. But deep inside something telling me, this will never happened! The conspiracy theories, mafia accusations, FIA favoritism? And now we know what is all about.
Until now, Ferrari and FIA were the bad guys, you dear Sir, and your McLaren were the innocent victims being pursued by Max and big bad and ugly FIA. Don’t forget, they are now canceling further investigation, and they actualy forgiving you. And you are actually using Ferrari secrets. You just can’t develop them.
I must confess, I am no McLaren fan, but I started to feel sorry for you and frustrated by what seemed to be a real witch hunt. Turns out that FIA guys were right. This explains why the verdict on McLaren's 2008 car has been delayed. Not only was the use of the Ferrari information wide spread throughout your organization, we now find out that your team had actually used the information in the design of your 2007 and 2008 cars, which the FIA thankfully discovered in their investigations. In July you reassured us, after a thorough two-day investigation, that nobody in McLaren had seen this information. Because, your technical people actually turned their heads when Coughlan tried to show them drawings! That’s funny. At least you should know that good tech engineer NEVER turn his head in opportunity to see something new and good what can be incorporated in their drawings and design to improve it. NEVER!! That’s why they are in F1! But we all have to admit that is nothing wrong with that. That is in engineer’s blood. But don’t hide that, admit it! For your follower’s sake!
It was found that you and your team were not honest over Mike Coughlan's role within the team and also discovered that senior figures at Woking were willing to use Ferrari's technical information on their 2008 car. Not only that, the report uncovered that contrary to McLaren's evidence at the WMSC hearings, Coughlan did play an active role in the design of suspicious systems, especially the brake balance system.
Far from being transparent, it unfortunately appears that you only acted when it was clear that you were going to get a serious slap on the wrist by the FIA and WMSC.
I don’t want to ask you about your intentions in the appeal after Brazil. I hope it was really only the clarification of the rule. Because YOU tell as that is all about clarifications. But your big mouth lawyers want something else. Was that by your orders? I don’t know can I belief you any more.
Your total commitment to equality amongst your drivers was in question after your announcement that you (and Hamilton) are racing against Alonso. What was that? I thought that Alonso was one of your drivers!
I can imagine the smile on Jan Todt face after your letter and confession. I can imagine the smile on Ferrari tifosi’s faces after this letter. Until two days ago, they were a bed guys, in love with bed ugly Italian team. Forza Ferrari.
Those that defended your McLaren so vigorously must really feel like complete idiots! You give them nice Christmas present.
Where is your INTEGRITY now! Sir Ron!
Now, you want to apologize and make nice with the FIA (and Ferrari)?
I'd like to believe the apology to be genuine.
But I can’t."We had no idea this had become so widespread".
Now, I think is a time to you to apologize to your fans. And, more inportant, to all F1 followers!
Sincerely your,