Great quote from Giancarlo

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Great quote from Giancarlo


Fisichella, who left Renault after three years, admitted he was disappointed with the French squad.

"Yes, very much, especially because of the many years together. The winning car they promised never came," added Fisichella, who said his deal with Force India is for two years.


So the double championship winning R25 & R26 were not winning cars?

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Re: Great quote from Giancarlo


overrated driver who should follow Ralf out of F1

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Re: Great quote from Giancarlo


Keir wrote:Fisichella, who left Renault after three years, admitted he was disappointed with the French squad.

"Yes, very much, especially because of the many years together. The winning car they promised never came,"

So the double championship winning R25 & R26 were not winning cars?
Yeah, but it went to Alonso. But wasn't Alonso bitching about Fisi getting special treatment? Maybe Renault is lucky they won anything at all with drivers like those two.

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Re: Great quote from Giancarlo


Alonso bitching about Fisi getting special treatment, Alonso bitching about Lewis getting special treatment, Alonso bitching about everything. Alonso is crybabie and type of guy who want everything for himself!
Croatia, the small country for big relax

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Re: Great quote from Giancarlo


Seas wrote:type of guy who want everything for himself!
And that my friend is why he is a two time world champion.

Also, He is much like Senna in making sure he has the best things.

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Re: Great quote from Giancarlo


PNSD wrote:
Seas wrote:type of guy who want everything for himself!
And that my friend is why he is a two time world champion.

Also, He is much like Senna in making sure he has the best things.
And Schumacher... the only difference between Alonso and the other two is the class, Alonso seems a crybaby and S&S seemed professionals demanding a car as good as they were.
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Re: Great quote from Giancarlo


FA went to the press with his dissatisfactions and that, however true
is just not seen as gentlemanly conduct.

i think S&S have much more forceful characters but used that within the team

even lewis showed some disgust at FA dissing the team, the team is yer life blood
and if you loose there support, well time to go looking for a drive init

i can still rate FA and perhaps a year of humble pie fighting for points might give him a wake up, or a retirment

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Re: Great quote from Giancarlo


I think Belatti and nae have hit the nail right on the head, I have been massively dissapointed by Fernando Alonso's behaviour this year - which is particularly painful to watch as I was a HUGE fan of his - I still admire his talent, but I just can't come to actually LIKING him anymore...I can't cheer for him again, for me a champion must be honourable too.

Senna & Schumi both had marginal on-track scurmishes, but neither ever vented their concern to the press insted of talking to their team-members about their issues, insted of sorting the problem Alonso just complained - how pray does that help anyone involved? Lets not forget that I don't ever remember a time when Senna or Schumi ever threated their bosses with blackmail!!!

The more you think about it, the more absurd Alonso's behaviour became.

As far as Fisi's concerened, if he's kept his performance level up at that of the 2005 Australian & Malaysian GP's maybe he'd have gotten an equal car (if he's implying he didn't) as far as I'm concerened if you want an equal car - you gotta be equal to your team mate. Which has an interesting link because, if Fernando wanted the "Number One" car at Mclaren he has to earn it against his team mate - and that - the two time, back-to-back, youngest ever world champion - failed to do. Far as I'm concerened he didn't deserve the number one status. So he had no grounds for complaint in the first case. The problem is, unlike true greats (like Senna & Schumi) Alonso no longer seems capable of looking at himself as being at fault - ever. It's always somebody else's fault. In short - the sucess has gone to his head.
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Re: Great quote from Giancarlo


I second this. I'm really disappointed how Alonso bluntly betrayed his team simply because he wasn't satisfied enough and that's why I hoped Renault won't take him back. If he betrayed one team he'll betray another.

Remember the talks in Spanish press during his Renault days how he isn't satisfied with Renault when things weren't going that good? Back than everyone thought those are just made up stories to boost sales on newspaper but 2007 proved they were true. In 2007 he flushed away all that was good about him together with all the crap he did during the season. Now he is in position where Schuey was after 1997 - two titles but no respect.

Fortunately, Nelson Piquet Junior comes from much more influential family (F1 wise) and Alonso won't be able to do to him what he did to Lewis.

Joined: 13 Feb 2006, 07:43

Re: Great quote from Giancarlo


excuse me..i got a slightly different opinion on all these.

By the time alonso was said to have been bitching fisichella he was already on his way out from renault to mclaren. So, it might have been true that alonso wasnt let to learn about the developments in renault cars even if he might have been given preferential treatment in race stratergies (hope i expressed that clearly :| ) and tat could have lead to the frustrations.

In Mclaren, it was lewis who first went to press compaining on team not letting him race alonso. And, Hungary was supposedly initiated by an abusive on-radio reaction from lewis. Yes, Alonso tried to blackmail ron dennis, we hear, but we have also heard about alonso trying to apologise for the same(so, that 'blackmailing' could have been a one-off 'done-in-the-heat-of-the-moment'), although it was too late.

I do have a different opinion on 2007 proving that alonso supposedly bitched about renault. They were completely different circumstances and dont think 2007 could be a proof of what he was before 2007 as he never had as good an opponent as hamilton( he was mclaren's and press's darling). I do not remember if 2006 renault bitching was indeed true, but 2007 proving that 'rumour' to be true if a bit vague ! :|

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Re: Great quote from Giancarlo


In Mclaren, it was lewis who first went to press compaining on team not letting him race alonso
Actually that was drummed up by the (irritating) British press. It's true that Hamilton expressed his frustration at not being allowed to race Fernando in the latter part of the Monaco GP (but tht makes sense - why risk loosing a 1-2?) but at no point did Hamilton critisise the team, claiming preferable treatment or unequal equipment nor did he attempt to blackmail his team boss.

I've been watching F1 now for 18 years and have not seen a driver behave like alonso has in 2007 in all that time. (Granted I have a vague memory of the early years)

The 2006 renault bitching, did indeed happen, as Alonso was quoted as saying he feel "alone" in the team, going on to express that he feels the team aren't trying hard enough.
By the time alonso was said to have been bitching fisichella he was already on his way out from renault to mclaren. So, it might have been true that alonso wasnt let to learn about the developments in renault cars even if he might have been given preferential treatment in race stratergies (hope i expressed that clearly ) and tat could have lead to the frustrations.
That's a very good point, and personally I agree that may have been the case. But it's Fernando's own fault for signing a deal with another team an entire year in advance. How'd you think that makes his colleagues at the team feel? And then he wants total 100% faith from them? respect must be earnt...not bought by money or results, and you certainly won't get it by whigning to the press, by doing that you just look like a spoilt child who doesn't have th required mental capacity to deal with problems in a mature and professional manner.

Alonso's a great driver, and all great drivers at times make selfish acts otherwise they'd never be so successful...but Alonso seems to lack the balance between self-belief and just being purely self-centred.
Silence is golden when you don't know a good answer.

Joined: 13 Feb 2006, 07:43

Re: Great quote from Giancarlo


Spencifer_Murphy wrote:
In Mclaren, it was lewis who first went to press compaining on team not letting him race alonso
but at no point did Hamilton critisise the team, claiming preferable treatment

The 2006 renault bitching, did indeed happen, as Alonso was quoted as saying he feel "alone" in the team, going on to express that he feels the team aren't trying hard enough.

But it's Fernando's own fault for signing a deal with another team an entire year in advance. How'd you think that makes his colleagues at the team feel? And then he wants total 100% faith from them? respect must be earnt...not bought by money or results, and you certainly won't get it by whigning to the press, by doing that you just look like a spoilt child who doesn't have th required mental capacity to deal with problems in a mature and professional manner.

Alonso's a great driver, and all great drivers at times make selfish acts otherwise they'd never be so successful...but Alonso seems to lack the balance between self-belief and just being purely self-centred.

If I do remember it right, hamilton made some reference to pit stop stratergy in monaco, to which alonso made an immediate response saying it was because he saved some fuel or something as that. I do think that was blaming team, from hamilton.

Yes, Now I do remember about the 'feeling alone' comment from alonso. I responded the way I did in my previous post because, from manchild's post I got an impression that it was a rumour and he was convinced mainly because of what followed in 2007, rather than what really happened in 2006. Sorry about that. :|

To an extent, even alonso's comments were blown outta proportion by the media. All the crying was all about team not concentrating their efforts on him to win the championships( alonso's smile after the brazilian GP expressed how right he ). And then he would come out and say they were given equal status and thats team policy. And then tyre issues in china and brazil(?). But, he might have had his own frustrations about this. Who could have he complained to, if at all team gave hamilton the num 1 status ? but, then again, one couldnt have blamed team for doing that after the blackmailing saga ! I would suppose it wasn't just about one individual being the wrong party. Mclaren, hamilton, alonso all had their problems through out the year, though lack of british(/ and english being a more international lang than spanish) press support made alonso look worse than he really was.......... (talking of all this, I do not think 'we are racing alonso' from ron dennis was anything malicious.. that seemed a normal comment,which the press blew outta proportion..I guess he would have said ' we were racing hamilton' had it been for alonso ) .

Joined: 29 Mar 2006, 00:56

Re: Great quote from Giancarlo


its all about respect

if you have respect from your team and 'boss' then the rest can take a run a **** to themselves

if you dont you find yourself looking for a new team

Joined: 03 Jan 2007, 15:51

Re: Great quote from Giancarlo


Spencifer_Murphy wrote:
In Mclaren, it was lewis who first went to press compaining on team not letting him race alonso
Actually that was drummed up by the (irritating) British press. It's true that Hamilton expressed his frustration at not being allowed to race Fernando in the latter part of the Monaco GP (but tht makes sense - why risk loosing a 1-2?) but at no point did Hamilton critisise the team, claiming preferable treatment or unequal equipment nor did he attempt to blackmail his team boss.

I've been watching F1 now for 18 years and have not seen a driver behave like alonso has in 2007 in all that time. (Granted I have a vague memory of the early years)

The 2006 renault bitching, did indeed happen, as Alonso was quoted as saying he feel "alone" in the team, going on to express that he feels the team aren't trying hard enough.
By the time alonso was said to have been bitching fisichella he was already on his way out from renault to mclaren. So, it might have been true that alonso wasnt let to learn about the developments in renault cars even if he might have been given preferential treatment in race stratergies (hope i expressed that clearly ) and tat could have lead to the frustrations.
That's a very good point, and personally I agree that may have been the case. But it's Fernando's own fault for signing a deal with another team an entire year in advance. How'd you think that makes his colleagues at the team feel? And then he wants total 100% faith from them? respect must be earnt...not bought by money or results, and you certainly won't get it by whigning to the press, by doing that you just look like a spoilt child who doesn't have th required mental capacity to deal with problems in a mature and professional manner.

Alonso's a great driver, and all great drivers at times make selfish acts otherwise they'd never be so successful...but Alonso seems to lack the balance between self-belief and just being purely self-centred.

I put some of the blame on Ron Dennis for that. Some people just don't realize how much of a snake he is. The agreement with Flavio was to wait to announce Fernando's signing with Mclaren. Flavio later revealed that Ron deliberately broke this agreement and ran his mouth saying "we got alonso for 2007". I would feel very bitter in Flavio's situation as would most team bosses/managers... Way to kill morale in a team.

Now again, here is one of my signatures on another forum. This is what Alonso said during pre season testing of 2007:
"Ferrari seems very good and Renault will come out strong at the start of the season, but they will struggle to maintain that pace as usual," Alonso

Joined: 13 Feb 2006, 07:43

Re: Great quote from Giancarlo


sounds more like alonso should have said( or even, wanted to say) renault would struggle to maintain their USUALY PACE, rather than the way he said it ! its not as if he was flaking the team and saying 'they were always slow, I was the fast one'..!! I never thought alonso was that rude !! :shock:

Make no mistake about it, am not an alonso fan, nor a mclaren or renault fan.. Its always been whoever can beat ferrari, be it alonso at renault or hamilton at mclaren (though I have to admit that I would have equally hated to see to a rookie win it..:D ) But if am asked for my favourite driver I would say THE juan pablo montoya..! 8)