In Mclaren, it was lewis who first went to press compaining on team not letting him race alonso
Actually that was drummed up by the (irritating) British press. It's true that Hamilton expressed his frustration at not being allowed to race Fernando in the latter part of the Monaco GP (but tht makes sense - why risk loosing a 1-2?) but at no point did Hamilton critisise the team, claiming preferable treatment or unequal equipment nor did he attempt to blackmail his team boss.
I've been watching F1 now for 18 years and have not seen a driver behave like alonso has in 2007 in all that time. (Granted I have a vague memory of the early years)
The 2006 renault bitching, did indeed happen, as Alonso was quoted as saying he feel "alone" in the team, going on to express that he feels the team aren't trying hard enough.
By the time alonso was said to have been bitching fisichella he was already on his way out from renault to mclaren. So, it might have been true that alonso wasnt let to learn about the developments in renault cars even if he might have been given preferential treatment in race stratergies (hope i expressed that clearly ) and tat could have lead to the frustrations.
That's a very good point, and personally I agree that may have been the case. But it's Fernando's own fault for signing a deal with another team an entire year in advance. How'd you think that makes his colleagues at the team feel? And then he wants total 100% faith from them? respect must be earnt...not bought by money or results, and you certainly won't get it by whigning to the press, by doing that you just look like a spoilt child who doesn't have th required mental capacity to deal with problems in a mature and professional manner.
Alonso's a great driver, and all great drivers at times make selfish acts otherwise they'd never be so successful...but Alonso seems to lack the balance between self-belief and just being purely self-centred.
Silence is golden when you don't know a good answer.