PhillipM wrote:It's about as weird as me saying they don't have a front wing, it's just shadows!
That makes no sense whatsoever.
You can see the thickness change on the picture Sevach posted above too, not sure how you explain that one as a shadow when it's view almost straight from the rear
"I see something, therefore everyone in the world will see the same thing because I solely am representative of the whole human population. Someone seeing something different or interpreting something on an image differently than me is simply impossible."
Dude, it's all great that you see something in an image, but it's exactly that, an image showing something. None of us have seen the car in real life, nor close enough to perfectly describe the shape. So it is very easy for two people to see something different on an image. And remember; Things are often spotted on images, and 90%(Approximately) of the time these things are either a reflection, or a shadow from something else.
RZS10 wrote:-Explanation-
Thanks, that makes it much clearer. I interpreted the previous conversation as the fin getting fatter(as, on the Mercedes chimney the fin does get fatter), instead of thinner.
And to get back to the original point; I don't think that this change in shape is wide enough to properly incorporate the chimney. Plus, it changes shape long before the horizontal plate(which would be there to 'simulate' the chimney) ends, as well as its shape being too far forward, and lacking any shaping to properly guide airflow from under the surface.