P_O_L wrote:So because Ferrari found out they had a rogue employee and sacked him, the team should be punished and not mclaren or stepney? That doesnt sound very logical.
As far as I know, same applies to Mclaren, Mike Coughlan was a rogue employee who has been sacked.
It took TWO people for this to happen, TWO rogues, Nigel Stepney was willing to share information and therefore had done wrong, therefore Ferrari should have recieved punishment, however we all know how the FIA seems to love Ferrari. If anyone can back up your view that the whole of Mclaren are cheats then I stand corrected, however nobody has as yet, so I think you are telling me a different version of the 'truth' here.
P_O_L wrote: and still got away unpunished .
So a £100 fine and the removal of all constructors championship points is not a punishment?!
P_O_L wrote:Therefore it would be a travesty to allow that cheating team a few places further up the grid. If a higher gridposition gives better pitboxes it should be regarded as a gain in competition tools wich goes against the idea of punishment, hence me saying they will be cheating if allowed.
Hmm, please inform me, I thought grid positions were determined in qualifying? Unless you mean championship position, anyway, I beleive a pitbox has a negligable effect on racing performance!
P_O_L wrote:O, and for our argentinian member: the only big rival to Ferrari are Renault and Williams. Mclaren was nowhere for years untill suddenly they gained some speed last year. As it turns out, with a questionable designed car.
Ok, ive checked the results going back about 10 years, and Mclaren are consistent top 10 finishers, far from 'nowhere'!
P_O_L wrote:If you consider all things mclaren have done to us the fans,
Like what, I tell you what if any team has had a more negative impact on me as a fan, it is Ferrari, not only because they rather broingly dominated from 200-2004, but also because they resort to dirty play and whinging whan challeneged, their whinging at the moment is making them less popular with the fans, who want to put 2007 behind and actually want to see some proper racing this year, if Mclaren were nowhere, this whole thing wouldnt have been uncovered, but because Mclaren were a threat to Ferrari, the FIA swiftly intervened and made sure Ferrai won yet again!
P_O_L wrote:thye should be thrown out for at least 60 years imo.
Good sir, you are well and truly a master or exaggeration! In truth the whole scandal was a minor incident, blown out of all proportion by the whinging team Ferrari, now the spoilt bunch have their constructors championship, you would think they would shut up, but no they have to keep digging up things that don't matter anymore, I am sure everyone else wants to move on and have some good racing in 2008. So now we adopt the policy of 'anyone who is faster than Ferrari MUST be cheating', so why don't we throw out BMW, because there beginning to become sucessful, maybe throw out Renault for cheating too if they improve this season, maybe Williams, throw 'em all out, so that we have 2 red cars on the track always winning, yeah great for Ferrari, crap for true F1 fans who wan't to see fair competeive racing, where he who crosses the line first wins, not who has the loudest mouth!