blablabla with Ron Dennis

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blablabla with Ron Dennis

Post ... 5355.shtml

Another race, another questionable quote from Vodafone Mclaren Mercedes soon to be ex-chief.

While BMW leads the constructorschampionship, and his own team in 3rd place, he still refuses to acknowledge the danger BMW might pose to the title. It is entertaining though, this state of denial.
Last Tango In Paris

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Re: blablabla with Ron Dennis


"Ferrari was also written off after a poor start in Australia, and now they have celebrated two victories in a row," Haug noted.

What's your problem dude? Everybody knows that the last step BMW has to do to get to the level of Ferrari and McLaren is HUGE!
Haug is right; perhaps Ron should have been less cocky when answering...

what has Ron done to you that you hate him so much?
I hate the shoemaker, brown, todt and montezemolo and you don't see me talking sh*t about them in every post. Or creating a thread for that matter.
"I've already altered the deal, pray I don't alter it any further" -Darth Vader to Lando Calrissian. The Empire Strikes Back.
"Progress is not always made by reasonable men." (McLaren Racing).
"We have optimised the lateral optical interface of the building." (Translation: "My factory has a lot of windows.") Ron Dennis.-

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Re: blablabla with Ron Dennis


Thats because they (the ferrari boys) dont have anything to quote about, at least not stupid. You could always invent stuff they say and start a thread about that but it would look a bit silly.

Last week dennis sneered towards renault, this week he sneers towards BMW. I find it blabla-ism and worth starting a thread about. This is not a way to treat your fellow competitors. You also better ask what HIS problem is. The meager results of the past 16 years of his team perhaps?
Last Tango In Paris

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Re: blablabla with Ron Dennis


But dude,

90% of your posts are Mclaren Burn post?

We get it you dont like them...... move on. Its fine when it relivent but some topics you bring it up just cus u feel you have too.
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Re: blablabla with Ron Dennis


Rrright, I dont invent this stuff, its Dennis himself who comes up with these anti-sport quotes. It has nothing to do wether i like 'them' or not. In fact if you read closely you see i admire kovalainen and this post is not about mclaren, but about Ron Dennis. The guy seems to have an ego bigger than Jenifer Lopez.

And the anti-ferrari crap is also so far fetched. It was teamboss stefano domenicalli who said Kubica will fight for the championship till the end. Thats nice and respectfull. Even Mclaren manager Martin Withmarsh admits itl be a close championship between bmw, ferrari and mclaren. Then the above linked message from our friendly guy ron dennis cannot be interpreted otherwise as very, very arrogant.
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Re: blablabla with Ron Dennis


That's the same pile of --- that all posts where you post P_O_L, we don't need more of these.

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Re: blablabla with Ron Dennis


mclaren always said that come spain they will truly unleash the potential on theri car.. so perhaps he knows something abt his team more than u and me.
there will be a lot of development in the MP4-23 come spain and they really confident about it
and u like the thing wat hekki said was because he actually said a contraditicting statment to what Ron said

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Re: blablabla with Ron Dennis


Could the admins please attach the nick of the originator on the title of the thread? That way I can see whenever P O L posts another of his many anti_McLaren rants. It would save me a lot of time.
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Ciro Pabón
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Re: blablabla with Ron Dennis


I'm afraid I can't do that, maybe Tomba. :D

You can enter each forum index, there you have the info.

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Rob W
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Re: blablabla with Ron Dennis


I have an idea. Why don't we just wait and see how far ahead McLaren are of BMW in three races time.


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Re: blablabla with Ron Dennis


DaveKillens wrote:Could the admins please attach the nick of the originator on the title of the thread? That way I can see whenever P O L posts another of his many anti_McLaren rants. It would save me a lot of time.
As it is mr dennis isnt such a nice guy and while being fined 100 million dollars on breaching about 14 points of the fia rules, it seems he hasnt learned one jot to close his mouth, keep a low profile and rebuild F1s reputation. While other teambosses talk with respect and dignity about others, dennis gives the indication he has some superiority complex. Last week about renault saying heikki was being taken apart, something even heiki himself has regarded as bullshit, now dismissing BMW as being able to sustain a challenge. The way the last 3 races have gone, perhaps he should consider wether or not his own team has the sustainability to maintain a challenge.

I hope the FIA will act soon and demand him to sing a lower tune.
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Re: blablabla with Ron Dennis


P_O_L wrote: ... 5355.shtml

Another race, another questionable quote from Vodafone Mclaren Mercedes soon to be ex-chief.

While BMW leads the constructorschampionship, and his own team in 3rd place, he still refuses to acknowledge the danger BMW might pose to the title. It is entertaining though, this state of denial.
Actually P_O_L, Ron Dennis is just ousting his opinion. If you think that is BS, fine for me, but you can expect others not to think that. After all, everyone has the right to speak out for themselves, and sometimes one is wrong, but so are we.

In fact, McLaren won the first race and were pretty well on the pace at Malaysia too. They did suffer a bit at Bahrain, but then again, Kova was much faster in his final stint after car adjustements.

It's not just Ron Dennis anyway, Flavio is also hoping that Renault will jump forward with their new developments. All Renault fans would be happy with that, but we will have to wait and see, just like with McLaren, BMW, Ferrari and all the others.

I just don't get your point...

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dave kumar
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Re: blablabla with Ron Dennis


I'm not in a position to lecture anybody so please take this post in the spirit it is meant - wishful thinking

It seems that many posts about individuals within F1 - be they team boses or drivers - quickly descend in to a slanging match. Nobody comes out smelling of roses when so much --- is flying around. I think it is valid to report quotes from people in the sport. The problem is taking such quotes at face value.

This forum doesn't represent the mainstream media (at least I hope it doesn't). So why behave like them. OK, so I do enjoy reading the bizzare rantings every now and again but really I'm crying out for some insight in to a sport that is so multifaceted.

Can members of this forum who think we need it pointing out that such and such a quote is pure spin please credit the rest of us with the sense to make that decision ourselves. I'd much rather be reading posts on why we have seen BMW make such great strides this season than those on Ron Dennis not giving them the credit they are due.

Comprende, mis amigos?
Formerly known as senna-toleman

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Ciro Pabón
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Re: blablabla with Ron Dennis


Senna-Toleman, you cannot judge some threads in its entirety, as they have to be edited to elliminate personal attacks.

Anyone is free to comment about the quality or logic of the posts and the pertinency of threads, not of the people.

Those who cannot tell the difference are hard to deal with.

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Re: blablabla with Ron Dennis


Well RobW
I have an idea. Why don't we just wait and see how far ahead McLaren are of BMW in three races time.
thats an excellent idea but please excuse my ego if I suggest a better one.

If he has such a problem with Ron then go speak to Ron about it, e-mail him or something. I e-mailed P_O_L a while back, do you remember? Take any of my advice?
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