P_O_L wrote:http://en.f1-live.com/f1/en/headlines/n ... 5355.shtml
Another race, another questionable quote from Vodafone Mclaren Mercedes soon to be ex-chief.
While BMW leads the constructorschampionship, and his own team in 3rd place, he still refuses to acknowledge the danger BMW might pose to the title. It is entertaining though, this state of denial.
Actually P_O_L, Ron Dennis is just ousting his opinion. If you think that is BS, fine for me, but you can expect others not to think that. After all, everyone has the right to speak out for themselves, and sometimes one is wrong, but so are we.
In fact, McLaren won the first race and were pretty well on the pace at Malaysia too. They did suffer a bit at Bahrain, but then again, Kova was much faster in his final stint after car adjustements.
It's not just Ron Dennis anyway, Flavio is also hoping that Renault will jump forward with their new developments. All Renault fans would be happy with that, but we will have to wait and see, just like with McLaren, BMW, Ferrari and all the others.
I just don't get your point...