TSN Lewis Hamilton Bias?

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TSN Lewis Hamilton Bias?


I was watching the GP on TSN (world feed?) last weekend and surprised by the LH bias (from the commentators) when he rear ended Alonso. It was quite clear (from the multiple replays) that he just made a stupid move on Alonso which caused LH's wing to fall off and damage part of Alonsos wing.
All what the commentators could say was "Oh Alonso must have brake tested or maybe he was playing head games with Lewis" etc. Never did they question whether or not Alonsos gear box was acting up or that maybe it was just Lewis' fault.

I've heard about this pro Lewis bias before from the British media but I've never first hand experienced it until now.

Are there any other "biased" experiences out there that anyone would like to share (LH or any other driver)?

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Re: TSN Lewis Hamilton Bias?


Lewis Hamilton's --- doesn't stink.

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Re: TSN Lewis Hamilton Bias?


G-Rock wrote:I've heard about this pro Lewis bias before from the British media but I've never first hand experienced it until now.
I'm guessing you didn't watch much F1 last year?

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Re: TSN Lewis Hamilton Bias?


I did but on the Speed channel (every race) I like the world feed better though on TSN this year.

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Re: TSN Lewis Hamilton Bias?


bhallg2k wrote:Lewis Hamilton's --- doesn't stink.
Wrong. he doesn't pooImage

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Re: TSN Lewis Hamilton Bias?


modbaraban wrote:
bhallg2k wrote:Lewis Hamilton's --- doesn't stink.
Wrong. he doesn't pooImage
Better yet, he has no rectum. ;)

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Re: TSN Lewis Hamilton Bias?


G-Rock wrote:I did but on the Speed channel (every race) I like the world feed better though on TSN this year.
Last year was actually worse. It was similar to watching golf, where Tiger Woods could be shooting 20 over par but all they do is talk about how great Tiger is. Speed was somewhat better the few times I watched it but I can only take so much of Hobbs and Windsor.

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Re: TSN Lewis Hamilton Bias?


RedMaple wrote:
G-Rock wrote: I watched it but I can only take so much of Hobbs and Windsor.
Thery are both better than hearing the ITV announcers verbally fellate Hamilton every time the carmers goes on him. I hate the ITV commentators.

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Re: TSN Lewis Hamilton Bias?


Ray wrote:
RedMaple wrote:
G-Rock wrote: I watched it but I can only take so much of Hobbs and Windsor.
Thery are both better than hearing the ITV announcers verbally fellate Hamilton every time the carmers goes on him. I hate the ITV commentators.
The ITV commentators have toned it down a bit this year. I only watch it because its in HD. If I had to choose between ITV or Speeds commentary I would maybe choose a third option- French. It was rather funny towards the end of race, it seemed as if someone had died. The atmosphere turned rather somber and sedate.

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Re: TSN Lewis Hamilton Bias?


RedMaple wrote:The ITV commentators have toned it down a bit this year. I only watch it because its in HD. If I had to choose between ITV or Speeds commentary I would maybe choose a third option- French. It was rather funny towards the end of race, it seemed as if someone had died. The atmosphere turned rather somber and sedate.
The reason I will never ever watch them voluntarily is because of last years race at Monaco. They went apeshit when Lewis gained time on Fernando in traffic! They acted like it was down to his skill rather than the truth.

And we don't get F1 HD in the US. Not true HD anyway, they upconvert it which is very lame.

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Re: TSN Lewis Hamilton Bias?


It's a lot better in Asia with Star Sports. There are two regular guys - Steve Slater and Chris Goodwin (an ex-McLaren test driver). Steve is the enthusiastic blabber mouth while Chris is the sedate expert. But lately Chris is is out on some other personal assignments and they invite editors from racing mags to fill in. Last year for Monza and a few other races they had Tim Scott (currently F1 Racing editor). I quote from the race:

Steve Slater:"There is so much hype surrounding Lewis Hamilton - almost claiming he can walk on water"
Tim Scott:"Well, it's because I believe he can walk on water............."

#-o :shock: #-o :!: :!:

Then came his overtaking of Kimi Raikkonen and Tim Scott commented "Lewis, walking on water there, taking a very surprised Raikkonen......."

I shudder to think what F1 Racing will be like this year. But hopefully it won't be that bad since McLaren look like they're going to have a bad year. I just wish Heikki would outperform him over the year - just to see what the media would say then. Would they proclaim Heikki as the next big thing or keep making excuses for Lewis?

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Re: TSN Lewis Hamilton Bias?


SMP wrote:Would they proclaim Heikki as the next big thing or keep making excuses for Lewis?
I hope neither. I wish they'd just call it, you know the truth on what happens. I like the SpeedTV crew alot. Varsha is a smart guy that's been around a long time, Hobbs is a funny ass old man with alot of wheel time, and Matchett is a World Champion mechanic. A nice blend if you ask me.

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Re: TSN Lewis Hamilton Bias?


Ray wrote:
SMP wrote:...Hobbs is a funny ass old man with alot of wheel time...
Sometimes, I think he's high.

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Ciro Pabón
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Re: TSN Lewis Hamilton Bias?


I watch Foxsports LatinAmerica. Great team, more or less the same kind of crew Ray describes so well. I think Belatti doesn't like much one of them, Tano Fazzini, he knows them better than I do, so he must have some reasons (sorry if I'm mistaken, Belatti).

As there are no argentinians driving, they are relatively impartial (as much as humans can be), but if there were one, I think they will root for him. I imagine that in Polish TV they root for Kubitza... so, why it's strange for english commentators to support Hamilton with all their strength? After all, the ratings depend on people from England. I can imagine the comments on spanish TV about Hamilton crash... :D

I also think that everybody in F1, Sato included, can walk on water, just imagine my idea of Hamilton abilities.

Yes, I'm guilty of admiring the drivers that risk their lives for my entertaining. I've always done the same. So, please, don't offer me any anchorman position: I could make blow an aneurysm here and there if you don't like some of the guys because I would be basically drooling for the entire race. I know well my limitations: my best time at Los Gansos kart track is 1:07, JPM did it in 1:02 when he was 7 years old or something, I've been driving the same track for 20 years...

I confess I even liked people with few abilities, just because of their bollocks (or just because they had a chance, lucky bastards... ;) ): Andretti, Fontana, De Cesaris, Dumfries. I like them all, I couldn't love them more if they were my own children: heck, I'm an F1 whore... :P


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Re: TSN Lewis Hamilton Bias?


We sort of get a good deal and the --- end of the stick at the same time in Canada. TSN just shows the ITV feed and we get some knowlegable broadcasters, that go into some depth.

As well TSN runs their race live, but SpeedTV has a delay of a couple of minutes on average, just enough to make the live timing spoil the race if you are like me and want the timing on the PC while the race is on. Odds are good you do.

SpeedTV's coverage is enjoyable as I like the banter between Bob "19,000 RPM!!!!" Varsha, Steve Matchet, and the weird but seasoned David Hobbes. It's just unfortunate that we dont get the incar channel here like on Sky and the SpeedTV team treats us like every race is our first one.

Did I mention Bob Varsha is aware that F1 engines rev up to 19,000 RPM? He tells us every quali session and every race.

I also find that Martin and company don't miss much. The driver's eye really helps. Then again I'm not an F1 driver and I see things live that the Speed3 miss until the 2nd replay.
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