I watch Foxsports LatinAmerica. Great team, more or less the same kind of crew Ray describes so well. I think Belatti doesn't like much one of them, Tano Fazzini, he knows them better than I do, so he must have some reasons (sorry if I'm mistaken, Belatti).
As there are no argentinians driving, they are relatively impartial (as much as humans can be), but if there were one, I think they will root for him. I imagine that in Polish TV they root for Kubitza... so, why it's strange for english commentators to support Hamilton with all their strength? After all, the ratings depend on people from England. I can imagine the comments on spanish TV about Hamilton crash...
I also think that everybody in F1, Sato included, can walk on water, just imagine my idea of Hamilton abilities.
Yes, I'm guilty of admiring the drivers that risk their lives for my entertaining. I've always done the same. So, please, don't offer me any anchorman position: I could make blow an aneurysm here and there if you don't like some of the guys because I would be basically drooling for the entire race. I know well my limitations: my best time at Los Gansos kart track is 1:07, JPM did it in 1:02 when he was 7 years old or something, I've been driving the same track for 20 years...
I confess I even liked people with few abilities, just because of their bollocks (or just because they had a chance, lucky bastards...

): Andretti, Fontana, De Cesaris, Dumfries. I like them all, I couldn't love them more if they were my own children: heck, I'm an F1 whore...