shir0 wrote:Even then, it's a dumb rule. The teams are the ones who're providing the cars for the drivers. The drivers ARE EMPLOYEES OF THE TEAMS AND ARE BEING PAID AS SUCH. Therefore, however you look at it...THE TEAMS SHOULD HAVE THE RIGHT TO ENFORCE TEAM ORDERS. This is one rule I'm agreeable to have removed.
I don't remember on what thread or what it was about but I said the
same exact thing a long time ago.
The FOZ wrote:But I'm going to play Devil's advocate for a bit. This is racing, and it follows that the drivers should be racing from start to finish. Baseball has a rule that anyone who makes a mockery of the game during a play is to be ejected upon the completion of that play. Case in point was some Major League guy who hit his xxxth home run, and decided to make it memorable by running the bases backwards. He was penalized with an ejection for making a mockery of the sport.
I can't stand baseball, but that's the dumbest fu*king thing I've heard in a long time. Not directed at you FOZ!

But this 'anti-celebration', 'anti-achievement' bullshit HAS to stop. I'm so tired of the 'everything has to be fair and no one can celebrate' mentality. This mentality is dangerous, why are people not allowed to be proud of their achievements anymore? Why are children being taught in government operated schools that 'it's not whether you win or lose, it's how you play the game'? That's total bullshit. There are winners and losers, there are lazy people and hard working people, there are risks and rewards. Shitty players are just that, and they deserve to lose. Winners work hard no matter what the circumstances and they win. I will NOT teach my children this bullshit and they will not go to a government brainwashing institution.
USAF1FAN wrote:I'm a Ferrari fan, but I do believe that McLaren and Hamilton have been treated unfairly. There is a rule against "team orders." Whether the rule is stupid or not is beside the point--McLaren should demand that it be enforced. We all know that Kimi let Massa pass. If the stewards were able to "judge" that Hamilton did not adequately give up his position to Kimi after cutting the chicane in Belgian, then they should also be able to "judge" that Kimi did give up his position to Massa in violation of the rules.
I don't like protests and especially do not like race results changed by the stewards, but they did overturn Hamilton's win in Belgian, so this protest is only fair. Massa should be put back to third.
USAF1FAN wrote:shir0 wrote:ferrari fan my a$$...why didn't you f*cking complain last season you dummy?
We Americans already look stupid enough without you making it worse.
Here you are talking about how Americans are stupid and there you go making
yourself look stupid. Speak for yourself, not us 'Americans'.