Of course Cyril should brag, Renault power units are superb. The incremental improvements are delivering wonderful steps and plenty of data.
Murmuring to the contrary from Team Principal Seidl and McLaren fans here are most concerning, when they should really be admiring and praising the Viry power units.
https://au.motorsport.com/f1/news/mclar ... a/4527921/Andreas Seidl wrote: It's disappointing for us to have two DNFs, with one driver not even being able to make the race start.
It is important that we have a transparent and open relationship there, and that we analyse the issues and try to solve them together."
IMO such comments by Seidl are unwise, given how superbly the Renault power units have performed.
What's wrong that!? Renault's policy of careful incremental improvements and not manufacturing excessive power unit stock (why wastefully manufacture spare items, when items can be refurbished and returned to service) has served them well during hybrid power unit era. It would be unwise to change tack. It's the Renault way of doing things, and has served them well.
How so? It is part of motor racing and part of the development process. It's typically been the Renault way and is what McLaren expected after all from Renault units.