ISLAMATRON wrote:Socialism does not spread the costs, it spreads the benefits, but you have been taught to believe otherwise. What is done with the race is no different than the oil companies in America, as a citizen you own the oil that comes from underneath the ground, yet you still pay for it at the pump, plus taxes on it.
Okay, if Socialism spreads the benefits rather than the costs, where do the funds come from? The government? Nope. It comes from the citizen in the form of, gasp!, taxes. Social Security tax. Medicare tax. Social Security is a failure, I'm paying for it but I'm never going to see the 'benefits' of it. My
grandfather didn't see the 'benefits' they told him he was going to recieve.
do not own the oil underneath the ground. Where did you come up with that idea? Whoever purchases the land and spends their money to drill for it owns it. Whoever pays for the land covered in timber owns it and can log it for their benefit. That is the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard.
ISLAMATRON wrote:Capitalism, makes it that the land the oil companies drill on is sold to them very cheaply by their government pawns, then they pay minimal royalties & taxes to the government.
government causes this. You said it yourself. The
government writes laws that allows them to buy the land cheaper than
the free market (capitalism) would sell it to them. How much more proof do you need than that? Capitalism isn't the problem,
it's the government altering the price of the land compared to it's market value that causes it. It's not that hard to see.
You obviously dont understand that banks dont work.
do in fact know how banks work. The way the governments and the people who line the politicians pockets have engineered a system that works to devastating effect. The current system we have goes all the way back to the 16th century. You need to read The Creature from Jekyll Island. If you do ever read take the opportunity to read it it will blow you away.
ISLAMATRON wrote:Capitalism has everything to do with very few people making massive amounts of money off the backs of the poorer people. Capitalism is not dead, but dies a little more every time there is a "market correction" which in actuality is the true effect of inflation because they are trading things that don't exist for things that do. The governments are merely in self preservation mode.
Capitalism has
absolutely nothing to do with the current situation. With government creating laws that benefit the coporations we have the problems of today. They have allowed banks to create money, passed laws that give them the right to do so, yet the average citizen will go to jail for a long time if they do the same exact thing. Capitalism in it's very basic and true for is businesses competing, without government regulation or interference, for people to come buy their products. If they make good products they succeed, if not they fail. What we have here is not capitalism. Success and failure are part of capitalism, by not allowing, or funding these companies to prevent them from failing is NOT capitalism.
You're right about the governments being in self preservation mode to a point. When the collapse of the economies happen, the people who are being taxed and robbed by the banks and governments are the ones that will scrape the barrel. This is caused by inflation, government handouts to corporations, laws that stifle competition, and general meddling with the economy. A government intervening in anything is almost always a bad idea when it come to the markets. Every single action they've taken in this country has made it worse, not better. And we are the ones financing it through inflation caused by the Federal Reserve banks.
I surely hope that the Australia race stay on the calendar, I really like the country. I'd give anything to go back and see it again. The people are the most friendly I've ever met anywhere in the world. It's a shame that Bernie is charging so much for a race, but then again they don't have to pay it. I could see it working if they turned a small profit, but losing 40 million is way too steep.