So tell me what is going to replace it outside of F1s limited KERS?
Battery powered cars with all low end torque and nothing up high?
I don't need to give you examples of reasons that the ICE will remain a long time in many kinds of racing. It survives now and will for a long time.
You need to offer an alternative to that has better performance than an ICE for a racing application.
Its MOTOR racing. It's about the motor. I don't care if batteries or whatever are the way of the future. I need to hear pistons pumping like I need to hear ice being shredded as I watch Hockey.
All kinds of people are out of work, in all kinds of fields in motor racing, but the truly talented engineers are in demand. Many people have passed the course, but like anything, the cream of the crop get to continue doing what they love, which is engineering what they want to.
Neither of know what is going to happen in the future, so we can agree to disagree.
From your previous history on this board, I was concerened that you would go off and be nitpicky and you have proved me right
Vroom please.