nae wrote:more than half these guys live in tax havens,dont pay taxes and pay expensive accountants to keep it that way, they dont really pay there way in normal society. (given some try and give some back through charity work but that isnt paying taxes)
they may be risking there lifes but no more than say a fire fighter does.
they are in a very privileged position (sometime earned sometimes bought)
and if they are daft enough not to have a points bonus or signing on fee covered in there contracts, well !
if they don't like it they can go race tin tops or retire, OH wait they wont
as i say
oh boo hoo the poor drivers
Blinkered is the only nice word I can find for this post...IT'S NOT JUST ABOUT MONEY.
*It's about the FIA's power to uplift a "license fee" some 350% - imagine if you found something you needed to do your job - like a car - went up in cost 350% overnight wouldn't you be livid even if you could afford it?!
*No other overpaid sportsman or woman has to pay such a rediculous sum to ply their trade.
*The FIA haven't said, WHY! And so the only obvious answer is that they are trying to plug their own budget deficit due to the wages they have to pay Max et al.
This sets a dangerous precedent which is not in the public interest. Making sport only for the rich is not socially responsible, many of our current drivers have come from very humble backgrounds the wage they finally earn when they get into F1 is no excuse to then tax them heavily...they have all paid their dues in the lower formula's and risen to the top.
I believe that the GPDA and FOTA should stand together and stand firm. The license fees are rediculous and not based on a realistic numbers.