Cost of FIA Super License increases again

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Re: Cost of FIA Super License increases again


I think that the GPDA should strike en-masse until the FIA find another way to cover their own administrative losses.

If the GPDA all went on strike immediately, it would force the FOTA to step on Moseley's neck.

If Max wants more money, he should get it from Bernie.

Punishing drivers by charging them 2000 per point, is utter horse ---. And I would like to see Max eat his own after this fiasco.


--- the FIA. I am utterly nauseous after reading that garbage.

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Re: Cost of FIA Super License increases again


If Mosely didn't keep raiding the FIA piggy bank to pay for dominatrixes, then perhaps the FIA would have some money. :P

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Re: Cost of FIA Super License increases again


Conceptual wrote:I think that the GPDA should strike en-masse until the FIA find another way to cover their own administrative losses.

If the GPDA all went on strike immediately, it would force the FOTA to step on Moseley's neck.

If Max wants more money, he should get it from Bernie.

Punishing drivers by charging them 2000 per point, is utter horse ---. And I would like to see Max eat his own after this fiasco.


--- the FIA. I am utterly nauseous after reading that garbage.
conceptual, you really need to get over your shyness. Don't be so hesitant to tell us how you really feel. :lol:

BTW: I agree! =D>
Enzo Ferrari was a great man. But he was not a good man. -- Phil Hill

Joined: 15 Nov 2007, 03:33

Re: Cost of FIA Super License increases again


With the statement from Mosley today telling the drivers "If you don't like it, go drive in a different Formula.." would DEFFINATELY lead me to get the GPDA to strike immediately, or refuse outright to pay, and let the FIA shut down the Australlian GP because no-one has a super-license, or maybe get the Australlian Govt. to issue "special" superlicenses as a temporary extension of last years license. Let the FIA fight a soverign nation over it if they are serious about it.

I'm sorry, but arbitrary increases on a titanic scale such as this, and then telling the drivers to kiss your ass is NOT the way you conduct a sport that utterly relies on these men for its existance.

With no drivers, there is no Formula 1, and maybe Max needs his nose bloodied over this...

Joined: 24 Apr 2008, 23:31

Re: Cost of FIA Super License increases again


That's just typical of someone who's just been "emasculated". After the incident Mosley lost credibility and leverage amongst the F1 community. Playing tough is just his way to get his "balls" back and make people believe he's still running the show. The way I see it, it's going to backfire straight into his face.

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Re: Cost of FIA Super License increases again


Just don't pay, and get Bernie to back up and run a non FIA-sanctioned Australian GP.

Joined: 15 Nov 2007, 03:33

Re: Cost of FIA Super License increases again



Sneak in the SpeedTV crew with their HD camera equipment, and let them broadcast it to the world feed!

I hate this guy, and for me, that is a serious statement. I find that most everyone is necessary, just not motivated. People like Mosley need to be stripped of power, and sent to live with the natives on Paupa, New Guinnea...

I hope they have a spit big enough to slowly roast his ego... Yes, and I would make Bernie watch the natives --- him back out...

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Re: Cost of FIA Super License increases again


D'Leh wrote:Mosley's reign gets a disgrace more and more with the years passing. He should have left the stage a long time ago.
almost two decades :o ,my godness,why are there so many supporters?If I were...,I never vote him,perhaps Jean Todt!
Yes,we can

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Re: Cost of FIA Super License increases again

Post wrote:Dear sirs.

Know that IndyCar Series teams would welcome your participation in the 2009 or beyond season should you follow FIA president Max Mosley's suggestion of looking elsewhere to ply your trade.

Please note that an IndyCar Series license fee is only $1,000 (U.S.) - a bargain that includes your/three guest hard cards for venue admittance, participant accident medical insurance coverage and other benefits. There are no closing fees, user fees, points fees or even landing fees for your aircraft.

Indy Racing League management
:lol: :lol:

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Re: Cost of FIA Super License increases again


nae wrote:more than half these guys live in tax havens,dont pay taxes and pay expensive accountants to keep it that way, they dont really pay there way in normal society. (given some try and give some back through charity work but that isnt paying taxes)
they may be risking there lifes but no more than say a fire fighter does.
they are in a very privileged position (sometime earned sometimes bought)
and if they are daft enough not to have a points bonus or signing on fee covered in there contracts, well !
if they don't like it they can go race tin tops or retire, OH wait they wont
as i say
oh boo hoo the poor drivers
Blinkered is the only nice word I can find for this post...IT'S NOT JUST ABOUT MONEY.

*It's about the FIA's power to uplift a "license fee" some 350% - imagine if you found something you needed to do your job - like a car - went up in cost 350% overnight wouldn't you be livid even if you could afford it?!

*No other overpaid sportsman or woman has to pay such a rediculous sum to ply their trade.

*The FIA haven't said, WHY! And so the only obvious answer is that they are trying to plug their own budget deficit due to the wages they have to pay Max et al.

This sets a dangerous precedent which is not in the public interest. Making sport only for the rich is not socially responsible, many of our current drivers have come from very humble backgrounds the wage they finally earn when they get into F1 is no excuse to then tax them heavily...they have all paid their dues in the lower formula's and risen to the top.

I believe that the GPDA and FOTA should stand together and stand firm. The license fees are rediculous and not based on a realistic numbers.
- Axle

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Re: Cost of FIA Super License increases again


It should not be a tax is all I have issues with.

A licence is just that - supplementary paymens on top of licence for required saftey work..OK. but not an aribitary raise based on championship positions. it makes no sense.

Max is not a chancellor or in any government. So how doe she think he can levy a tax on the drivers?

The ability to pay something should not have any relevance on the costs you do have to pay.

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Re: Cost of FIA Super License increases again


Greed begets greed when it comes to F1 - the licenses are just a slim snapshot of the absolute EXCESS that is F1 through and through and has been for many years - you could ideally run a team of 2 cars/drivers for somewhere between $5-15 million if you wanted to and have it be the pinnacle of design and performance and attracting the most brilliant minds and innovators on the planet and the best drivers (because they WANT to be there and not for the money) - instead its 'whats in it for me - show me the money - greed is good' - geez I wonder how much Hollywood had to do with that credo or vice verca! - and dont give me that bullshit of market forces prevailing - its a load of --- --- - its just raping the goose that laid the golden egg. This whole credit crunch or GFC (global financial crisis) which affects all things is purely because of greed (on all levels) - from the man in the street 'gotta keep up with the Jones' and a better house and car and location etc etc' to the pariahs that control the banking and finance systems (GLOBALLY) not in any particular country and thats all they are (PARIAH'S). Some grass roots thinking and planning would help greatly - perhaps if we go into a depression like 1929 (the year my late dad was born) then reality will have some effect although as my understanding tells me in those times the persons with money were not that affected it was just the greater unwashed who suffered......................geez how unusual. Someone on our forum GPlounge was saying something the other day about us bitching about rules etc etc and how we longed for passing opportunities in Grand Prix racing (I still cannot come to terms with F1 its a BCE term its always been Crand Prix racing to me) and when they changed the rules we still bitch - well sorry - Im only saying I would like to see some semblance of reality - I dont --- care if one team flies off and dominates in any one part of a season - I just want the opportunity of any team being able to capitalise on their enginuity with their engineers and designers and drivers etc to be able to go about their business and come up with something that is at least as good or better - the rules and FIA strangle this and most other formulae - and will continue to do so whilst they hold the upper hand on whats allowed on the track.......................................................they are not a regulatory body they are a controlling body - wrong --- dead wrong - the fans will ultimately win the argument - timing well not sure................................ :) yes I can still hold a smile
The music business is a cruel and shallow money trench, a long plastic hallway where thieves and pimps run free and good men die like dogs - there's also the negative side' - Hunter S Thompson

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Re: Cost of FIA Super License increases again


Driver who doesn't pay licence fee has many alternatives - Mosley

:idea: One of those alternatives is to drive an F1 car at 300 Km / Hr straight into the bastards butt :twisted:

Joined: 29 Mar 2006, 00:56

Re: Cost of FIA Super License increases again


this may come across as blinkered
but 10m /250K is 4% if your lewis
and 25m /250K is 1% if yer kimi

hardly (and this is really blinked of me) a big % of income
to play the game

people are being sympathetic to the BIG numbers which to
us normal (ish ) people are a LOT of money and not to the real numbers
which incidentally are most likley covered by the teams, a bit like
the fines etc

if i could find an investment where i could get 10 mil for a 250K
investment... in fact anyone would jump at that.

but as for why max is doing it, and doing it right now
well thats open to interpretation

it could be simply to flex his muscles and show whos boss

it could be an attempt to get the teams and drivers to unite
and form a break away series

it could be cause he is bored

or simply becuase its not a huge amount of money (it is a huge increase)
and that any court would side with him as its hardly a big % of imcome

dont get me wrong i am not fan of max, but he is clever and has his own
agenda and his own reasons

regardless of the facts i personally can not feel any sympathy for the poor
drivers having to pay 4% of there income to be allowed to drive things that
most of use would do for free (+ expenses in my case)

another blinkered post brought to you and to be derided for not being in support
of your view point

a devils advocate

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Re: Cost of FIA Super License increases again


Well the drivers are paying to prevent a farce at Australian GP. But demanding a face-to-face meeting with mad Max..
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