vall wrote:According to McLaren in 2007 Hamilton was doing most of the donkey work in setting up the car, with Alonso taking that base setup and then tweaking it to his liking. If this was genuinely the case then he can't be all that bad.
This sounds like a ridiculous statement? What do you expect them to say? That their golden boy used Alonso's?
Why is it so ridiculous - Hamilton was doing more testing than Alonso, at least in the first half of the year. Pedro DLR and Hamilton were responsible for a lot of the work on the base setup, which Hamilton and Alonso then took and fine tuned to suit their driving styles.
vall wrote:if it really happens that Macca do not improve and he is driving toward the back of the field, I am curious to see his comments about those driving at the back
Also his comments that Kimmi doesn't "have the guts" to brake late and that he started "to hunt them down" (other drivers) (after Spa)
All drivers have done or said stupid things near the beginning of their career. When taken out of context on the printed page a lot of what Hamilton says does look arogant, especially as you can't see when he was or was not joking. There is some arogance in there, but hell its the same with the majority of WDC, Alonso included. Give him time to temper.
Do I need to remind you of some of Alonso's exploits when he was a rookie, like driving into a waved yellow zone in the rain at Interlagos, colliding with crash debris, and being lucky to get out the car in one piece. Incredibly stupid and dangeous thing to do.
And it's all the more ironic that already in todays test the McLaren is looking in better shape. Not back to the front, but much closer to the pace than they were, and certainly within reach of Renault.