there seems to be a lot of discussion among the drivers (or is it media driven)
on the safety aspects of running in the wet without traction control.
I find it hard to understand how its is any less safe. the cornering speeds are lower
simply due to the lack of mechanical grip although high speed corners are less effected due to down force and air density.
if, lets say, your rear wing suddenly stops doing its thing properly you spear of into the nearest barrier. if this occurred in the wet you starting velocity would be
slightly slower and thus equally as safe if not more so.
the inherent safety of race track doesn't change overly much (i.e. run off areas and arresting barriers) so how is it deemed less safe
there may be a increased risk of crashing but it is surely not 'less safe'
I side with Kimi on this “And if anybody doesn't like it they can always go and do something else.” (
drive to the conditions is the mantra on the road surely it equally applies here
what do you lads and lassies think ?