From my formula 1 turbo era times until now. I’ve never been so convinced about the Ferraris status at pecking order side
After seeing the two first races from this shaking season. There are a couple of things that comes to mind. The actual showing from Ferrari its just concreting the awaited but no desired Ferrari downfall. The glory years has gone. And now, we as tifossis just have the chance for a on of those season to live.
The Dream team era has gone completely. The names of schumi, brawn, tood, byrne has gone with no return. From those glory years we wake up and dream became into nightmare, from one day to another we have no strategistics, we have no pushing drivers, we have no good cars developers, our car design sucks big time, also the lock is not with us anymore.
2009 season: the Ferrari Fate: the showed performance from brawn GP has just confirmed the pecking order for this season. But if if we as observer and not just a Ferrari fan analyze the real status, the future is nothing more than a nightmare.
Aside from the Brawn GP Team ( with longest developing period, the diffuser saga and other excuses that we use, just to justify the pathetic Ferraris status ) lets just use couples of examples, Williams, Toyota, BMW, all this teams have the same developing frame time as Ferrari team, and the reality is that those teams are ahead of us.
This Malaysian gp makes me just a bitter savoir in my mouth. Kimi just overtook Alonso when Renault driver did a mistake. Weber overtook Alonso easier than kimi. The amount of time lost by kimi at the back of Alonso pushed the stupid pit visit to pit and the harakiri was for sure that extreme wet tyres swap. HOW COME!!! Just HOW COME.
Even this race was just twilight. The results from that are that we are just a midfield team at current level.
See these facts.
Our Kers doesn’t work. (We could pass a heaviest Alonso in a racing trim)
Our Car design doesn’t work (all other could pass the heaviest Alonso staying on his tail without turbulence, I notice kimi losing control at many times when chasing)
Our Car is killing the tyres: it’s the same tyres for everybody so no Bridgestone conspiracy saga from this, just our car is nothing more that a crap.
Our Drivers are just this, drivers. Compared to others we lack.
Our mechanics... oh my god, our technics. A immediate change is demanded!!!
The rest is just keep seeing a good for the spectacle season.
Congrats max, Congrats Bernie. You have change gold into a dog crap.!!!!!!!
Alex C.