Giblet wrote:You should find Manchild with his nose-wing idea, hold hands, skip down the street. and say na na na na naaaaa na.
I know where you are coming from, and can likely speak for a good number of others in saying I agree.
I can also be head strong at times, but come here knowing there are people more educated about the sciences behind the sport I love.
But just because I was already on my career path when my friends went into engineering, it didn't mean that I didn't occasionally help with the conceptual (ahem) ideas for their projects, because anyones ideas can be taken for their abstracts, and what their intelligence brings to the table, regardless of the pure science beyond the concepts.
So yeah, this is home for the most part for my regular browser visits, and it's good to have you, and for the most of the time, everyone on here.
Thanks Giblet,
I have a close friend that I have mentioned before that is over-educated to the point of rediculousness. He has been a full time university student for the last 14 years, and he just emailed me to tell me that since he has so many credits and degrees already, he is signing up for ANOTHER 2 semesters because the classes that he is going to take will give him another 2 bachelors and one more masters.
This man does alot of grad work for NASA, and I am proud that whenever he starts a new one of these projects, that he gets all of his info gathered up, and comes and spends 3-4 hours with me to pick my brain. So far, I have helped with drone airplane design (to monitor forest fires) and also on some military type projects that he has done.
I sincerely wish that someone in F1 would offer him a job, because I don't want to see his mind be used by the US military (He was a Ranger) to find more efficient ways to kill people. He thinks that anything the US Govt. does is OK, but that is part of the military brainwashing...
Anyways, I was rather embarassed about what I had written in this thread, and how much it diverged from what I was trying to do, and that is LEARN.
To those that still care, I do thank you for answering my questions, and discussing my concepts!