Like Rossi you mean?DaveKillens wrote:But Shu can do much more than just clock quick laps, he can consistently do it lap after lap, his focus and concentration is remarkable

OOOOO is a-loaf-so jealous of Rossi ???World champion Fernando Alonso added: "Good, so we don't talk any more about him. After four months maybe this is the last question [about Rossi]."
He doesnt find F1 thrilling.....According to the Yamaha rider's father Graziano, a one-time motorcycle racer, Rossi made his decision on his own and it was a well thought-out one . "This was such an important decision that he took his time because he himself wanted to be sure. Perhaps the deciding factor was that when he was testing the car he did not feel that same rush he does when he's racing a bike." Graziano Rossi said .
have you ever raced a bike i have much more respect for the moto gp guys than i will for any f1 driver post 1967Spencifer_Murphy wrote:He doesnt find F1 exciting....thats a bit much to come from somebody who's never raced in an F1 car lol. Testing isnt exactly going to be exciting is it?
Sounds like he realises success wont come straight away and its therefore "Not fun anymore....waaaaah!!!" lol. Poor little Valentino has throw all his toys out of the pram!
im pretty sure the f1 cars kill more moto gp riders than bikes do i think there has only been one bike related death in quite a few years in moto gpTom wrote:Well, I don't know how hard moto GP is but I don't like it for one reason, no matter what they do the crashes will never look less painful!
Its good that Rossi quit, now it gives someone who is really enthusiastic about the drive to come in and race rather than a 'mmm, I dunno, I might do it, but only if its gaurenteed I'd do well, perhaps' type guy.
Also I think Marlboro would have given Rossi less support than say they are offering Kimi and Michael. Is Rossi not a Camel man at the moment?
agreed i raced motocross for a few years and it hurts while relitivly safe it still hurts alotTom wrote:There are still alot of injuries, and it wasn't the result of the crash I was meaning, it was how painful they all look. With F1 the great thing is we can watch major crashes (Albers, Imola) and know straight away that they have a high chance of walking away whereas with motorbikes you are never quite sure. These guys will have a high sider at 100+mph and at those speed who knows whats gonna happen when they land?
Yes, he is currently sponsored by Camel. Oddly enough, Rossi is a fighter against sponsoring from the tobacco industry and has tried to make his teams find alternative sponsorship.Tom wrote:Is Rossi not a Camel man at the moment?