Jersey Tom wrote:It's much more natural to gauge car rotation from the surroundings than some fancy LCD screen.
Well, if LCD is too much what about some kind of force feedback, like the one in game controllers? It could be located in the pedal or in the seat or in the wheel. BTW, I wonder why these kind of haptic interfaces aren't used in motorsports.
We also spoke time ago about a HUD display in the helmet: most members thought it wouldn't be useful and would stress the neck of the driver, but it could be a projection system. Anyway, I still think it was a good idea (it could be used, for example, in the rain, to show you the edges of the track or the position of nearby cars): you have to learn that sometimes (few times, I concede) your idea is good but your ability to convince people can be not equally good.
Anyway, I agree with Jersey Tom on the idea that you use your eyes and ears to control the car. He forgot to mention that your, ehem, butt plays an even more important role, or I was taught so by my aircraft instructor: good pilots fly with their @sses.

The same "principle" works in karting too.
On a side note, I would say that a major problem after TC was forbidden is that the car "downforce abilities" are extremely sensitive to yaw. Actually, I attribute to that the Massa incident in the next to last race. So, another gadget that could be useful (against J-Tom objections) could be a thing that warned you that you're about to lose downforce.
A warning system could be something extremely simple, like a system incorporated into the vertical wire that some drivers use (in the nose of the car) to point the car: the wire (or bar) could move, twist, vibrate or whatever to warn you. After all, you have the bar right in front of your eyes, you even wouldn't have to be distracted looking down to the steering wheel. The same reasoning applies to force-feedback. That would comply with "being incorporated into the surroundings" as J-Tom asks. I don't know if this "dissolves" the problem, I hope so.
Modbaraban: I love your sense of humour. Sorry, Belatti for my little joke on the main idea of the thread, we already grew up, it's just that we like to play jokes on, ehem, younger people... like Hamilton.